Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Fri 6 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Otter today

Otter today

Good start to the day for head warden Tom Clare with the sighting of an Otter heading down Langley's Brook. That's the water way between Vinson's and Sunley's Marsh. It's the second sighting in that area in the last month. Hopefully more to come as we hav

30 August 2017

Wader Weather

Wader Weather

Some overnight rain looks like it brought some waders onto the reserve unless they've been hiding in the wet areas out on the far North western fringes of the reserve. More interesting weather throughout the week, by which we mean some rain fronts. A Wood

29 August 2017

First Pink-footed Geese

First Pink-footed Geese

Autumn is here! Yes I think we have been saying it's autumn for weeks now during the excellent wader passage but  with today's arrival of 2 flying Pink-footed Geese it's official. Found with feral Greylag (400+) on the Mere late afternoon it's quite poss

27 August 2017



A 1st summer/2nd calendar year Hobby was seen again soaring over the Mere flushing all the birds just after midday. A juvenile Marsh Harrier was again around in the morning, also the usual Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and Buzzard sightings.

26 August 2017

Bird News

Bird News

No further sightings of the Black-necked Grebe since Wednesday, but still lots of interest around the reserve. Over the past couple of days, 2 Green Sandpipers and 2 Avocets along with numbers of Ruff, Black-tailed Godwits and Snipe have been present. Up

25 August 2017

Day No.3 for the Black-necked Grebe

Day No.3 for the Black-necked Grebe

Another misty 'rare' start to the day eventually breaking out into sunshine and a fresher feel. The 'long staying' Black-necked Grebe is still present showing well on the Mere. Black-necked Grebe. Will it hang around for t

23 August 2017

Osprey South

Osprey South

It looked 'rare' this morning with humid overcast condition after a night of rain showers. The juvenile Black-necked Grebe was still present on the Mere until late afternoon at least. Black-necked Grebe still on the Mere

22 August 2017

Black-necked Grebe!

Black-necked Grebe!

Unexpected and only the second record for the reserve, a Black-necked Grebe was found by visiting birders on the Mere early afternoon. A big thanks to them for reporting the sighting to the in focus shop allowing many people on the reserve to see the bird

21 August 2017



A Hobby was seen again from the Ron Barker hide, also juvenile Marsh Harrier and Peregrine in the area along with the usual Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and Common Buzzard. Up to 3 Green Sandpiper still present this evening on Vinson's from Ron Barker also still

20 August 2017

Wood Sandpiper

Wood Sandpiper

A nice juvenile Wood Sandpiper was found mid morning from the Ron Barker Hide on Vinson's pool and still present mid afternoon at least, also Green Sandpiper from here and 8 Dunlin, c1000+ Black-tailed Godwit, 15+ Ruff and plenty of Lapwing and Snipe. A H

18 August 2017

Curlew Sandpiper first of the autumn.

Curlew Sandpiper first of the autumn.

A Curlew Sandpiper joined the Dunlin flock on Vinson's Marsh this morning. The Little Stint was still present in the same area with plenty of opportunity to hide in the undergrowth. Another record count of Black-tailed Godwit with c.1400 birds present. Ot

15 August 2017

Little Stint

Little Stint

The adult summer Little Stint is still present and showing well from the Ron Barker hide on the left hand pool Vinson's, at times relatively close with up to 5 Dunlin. Also from here at least 40 Snipe, 350+ Black-tailed Godwit, Green Sandpiper, 20+ Ruff a

13 August 2017



Few reports recieved today but a Little Stint was again seen from Ron Barker Hide along with 3 Dunlin and c800 Black-tailed Godwit and good numbers of Snipe and a few Ruff. An adult Hobby was seen from UU Hide late morning along with a juv Marsh Harrier.

12 August 2017

Little Stint again

Little Stint again

Light patchy rain and another good day for waders! A Little Stint flew in with Dunlin late morning and spent the rest of the day feeding on Vinson's Marsh. Little Stint in between Lapwing and Dunlin. An influx of Avoc

11 August 2017

Spotted Redshank new for the year

Spotted Redshank new for the year

A day without rain made for pleasant birding on and around the reserve today. Perhaps it was last nights weather that dropped in a mostly moulted adult Spotted Redshank that was present on Vinson's Marsh this morning. Spot

9 August 2017