Latest sightings

Bearded Tits

Bearded Tits

The Bearded Tits or Bearded Reedlings as they are now to be called are still present with several sightings reported today near the UU Hide, patience is needed and most people are getting flight views only but many good perched photographs coming through

31 October 2018

Bearded Tits

Bearded Tits

The Bearded Tits are still present with at least 10 seen today in a single flock, but quite how many there are altogether is difficult to be sure as they seem to be being seen in many small groups as well. Any counts please report to the In Focus shop by

30 October 2018

Bearded Tits!

Bearded Tits!

Top news today with at least 8 Bearded Tit seen ~150m to the left of the Harrier Hide on the inner Reed Bed Walk. Over the last 20 years we have had a few single observer sightings of birds that have never hung around so we are quite excited by this news!

28 October 2018

400+ Whooper Swan

400+ Whooper Swan

The first blast of arctic air arrived today and the number of Whooper Swan have increased to 420. The northerly airflow should continue to bring new birds in daily at present. A few of the 400+ Whooper Swan recently arriv

26 October 2018

Bittern Returns

Bittern Returns

Chilly and overcast but thousands of birds! Sighting of the day goes to Bittern, seen in flight over the reed bed on the inner Reed Bed Walk. In most years we get wintering Bittern although the majority of sighting occur in the later half of winter. Is th

24 October 2018

Hen Harrier again

Hen Harrier again

Great visibility if colder than of late, wrap up warm. A brief update. The ringtail Hen Harrier was present again today. Two Peregrine, 4+ Marsh Harrier, 2 Sparrowhawk, 2 Kestrel and at least 6 Buzzard. Ringtail Hen Harrie

22 October 2018

Whooper Swan influx

Whooper Swan influx

A trebling of Whooper Swan in the last week with 290 counted this morning. Great to see 16 pairs with juvenile this early including a couple with 5 cygnets. A juvenile Whooper Swan flies in with it's parents. Pink-foo

21 October 2018

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A noticeable build up in numbers of many of our Winter visitors is taking place at the moment with a fantastic combination of large numbers of birds and nice weather. Whoopers in the mist Wildfowl are, as always, the

19 October 2018

Spoonbill and Fieldfare....

Spoonbill and Fieldfare....

More calm weather making for great viewing around the reserve. The forecast looks good into the weekend. A Spoonbill flew over the Mere around 4.30pm before heading off towards Woodend Marsh, an unusual autumn visitor but one that is increasing in number

17 October 2018



More Pink-footed Geese roosting on the reserve with this morning's count of 14430 being the highest of the autumn so far. A number of people have asked whether the geese are late this year? On average the counts tend to peak in mid October so this year it

15 October 2018

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Very mild, wet and windy to cool, clear and calm in the space of the weekend. No wildfowl counts but 10,000+ Pink-footed Geese roosting on the reserve. We can expect further influxes during the week. Small numbers of Whooper Swan around, with new birds a

14 October 2018



A very blustery day with few reports, but plenty of action, especially with at least 2 Peregrines which have been on view for most of the day, at times mobbing some of the 3 Marsh Harriers present. Also the usual Common Buzzards, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk s

12 October 2018



A cracking autumn day with 11,900 Pink-footed Geese counted early morning on site. Increasing numbers of wildfowl using the reserve with plenty more yet to arrive. Two Green Sandpiper flew into Langleys Brook this afternoon, also 20+ Black-tailed Godwit,

10 October 2018

Whoopers increase

Whoopers increase

A flock of 107 Whooper Swan were seen near the reserve containing 10 juveniles. Whooper Swan (and Pink-feet) feeding on stubble. (Louise Clewley WWT)   Last blast of summer? Pink

9 October 2018

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Packed in tight. These Pink-footed Geese are regularly coming in onto the Mere from ~ 4pm No specific counts but undoubtedly 10000+ Pink-footed Geese are roosting on the reserve with birds coming and going througho

8 October 2018