Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Fri 6 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Weekend Reports

Weekend Reports

Another wet and wild weekend with the best viewing occurring on the chiller Sunday. On both days the potentially elusive Green-winged Teal was found with Eurasian Teal from the Ron Barker Hide before being flushed by hunting Marsh Harrier(s). The return o

13 December 2015

Green-winged Teal

Green-winged Teal

The Green-winged Teal was again on the far side of the Mere this afternoon, although the strong winds made it difficult to find at times, as it was facing head to the wind and therefore with it's back to observers fom the In Focus / Discovery hide side. T

11 December 2015

Bird News

Bird News

Another raptor day today. similar to yesterday (see map with yesterday's post - it's still relevant), with 3 species of Owls ( Short-eard, Barn, and Tawny) as the stars of the show. A Swan carcass in a field at the back of the Mere provided food for at le

10 December 2015

Three Species of Owl

Three Species of Owl

A three species of owl day today (and yesterday) with Short-eared Owl out hunting beyond Plover Field, 2 Barn Owl early and late on and 2 Tawny Owl roosting along the Nature Trail. Raptor action in the form of 4 different Marsh Harrier over the past coupl

9 December 2015

It's not raining!

It's not raining!

It's not raining! The Mere looking special just before the 3pm feed. Best day weather wise for a few weeks. Unseasonably warm in the sun and a reasonably light southerly wind. The Green-winged Teal was seen out on Vin

7 December 2015

Green-winged Teal again

Green-winged Teal again

The drake Green-winged Teal was on the Mere from 11:30 onward til the end of the day showing from the in focus shop and the new Discovery Hide next door. Spot the Green-winged Teal.. At least 2 Barn Owl hunting early

6 December 2015

Greenland White-fronted Geese

Greenland White-fronted Geese

It barely stopped raining today and the strong winds didn't help anyone birding on the reserve or elsewhere. Star birds of the day were four Greenland White-fronted Geese which flew in onto Sunley's Marsh around 11.30am. G

5 December 2015

Green-winged Teal

Green-winged Teal

Given we have at least 2500 Eurasian Teal on the reserve perhaps it's not so surprising the drake Green-winged Teal has remained so elusive over the past month with only a handful of sightings. Today it was showing well on Sunley's Marsh in the afternoon.

4 December 2015

Winter Birding

Winter Birding

Another relatively mild day with a few showers. The Mere was packed with birds throughout the day including 800+ Teal early on flushed by Marsh Harriers from Vinson/Sunley's Marsh. Whooper Swan numbers are over 1000 and around 10000 Pink-footed Geese are

2 December 2015



Following the atrocious weather conditions of the last few days, it was nice to have the opportunity to get out and see some birds. A Chiffchaff in trees near the Gladstone hide this afternoon was today's star bird, although a quick look late on failed to

1 December 2015

Bean Goose

Bean Goose

A Tundra Bean Goose was showing from the United Utilities this afternoon. Around the reserve, still at least 2 Marsh Harriers and 2 Peregrines showing regularly, with at least one Tawny Owl in the 'usual' ivy covered tree after the Kingfisher hide. Goldcr

26 November 2015

Greenland White-front

Greenland White-front

A Greenland White-fronted Goose which spent a short while on top mere was the standout bird of the day, following on from the European White-fronted Goose that was present and photographed at the weekend. Greenland White-f

23 November 2015

Cattle Egret & Bittern!!

Cattle Egret & Bittern!!

The change of weather and an influx of birders for the Birdfair brought a flurry of new sightings, at 08.10 Brian Wooley saw a Cattle Egret drop onto the edge of the Mere, it was seen by a few people before disappearing but was seen around lunchtime in fl

21 November 2015

Whooper Swans

Whooper Swans

With the continuing mild (for the time of year) weather, the Swan count has remained low at just 750 birds, a sudden cold spell could change all this fairly quickly though. The numbers of Whooper Swans are low due to mild

18 November 2015



An adult Kittiwake that flew past the Ron Barker Hide early afternoon was a good sighting. At least 5 Marsh Harrier (4 juv, 1 2nd cal yr) were seen, also a fem/imm Merlin, Peregrine, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel and Common Buzzard. At least 1 poss 2 Siskin were s

15 November 2015