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On Wednesday this week a Green-winged teal drake was spotted from Ron Barker Hide. Be sure to keep an eye out for the male's distinctive vertical, white stripe on it's flank. This helps differentiate Green-winged Teal from Eurasian. Both Marsh and Hen Harriers can often be seen from this hide, as well as Kingfishers.

On the mere, we are continuing to be graced by the presence of three wader species. Snipe are best viewed from the first screen on the nature trail towards Harrier Hide. While Black-Tailed Godwits (22) and Ruff (8) can be seen from the discovery hide, probing the bank with their elongated, fine bills. Reports of a male Goldeneye have continued on the mere, making the species the site's 157th of the calendar year.

The mere also provides a great vantage point to see an array of other species including Great White Egret (1), Whooper Swans (88), Mute Swan(1 adult, 2 Juveniles), Shelduck, Wigeon, Pintail, Mallard and Greylag Geese. While at the back of the mere, and more usually in the sky above, Pink Footed Geese (3975 at last count) can be spotted. Identifiable by the V shaped Skeins they fly in and their high pitched 'wink-wink' call.

Present on the natural trail, in both directions, are a number of species of thrush, Including Redwing. While a Song thrush was seen singing on the trees outside of Hale Hide.

Photograph of a Green-Winged teal drake.

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