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Latest sightings

Monday 14 February

Monday 14 February

A summary of this mornings sightings

14 February 2022

Sunday 13 February

Sunday 13 February

A wet and windy dayRushy Hide/Peng ObservatoryAt least 105 Bewick's Swans, 115 Pintail, single Avocet and 1000+ ducks including Pochard, Tufted Duck, Teal and Mallard.South LakeFive Cattle Egret called in on on eof the islands briefly, no doubt reluctant

13 February 2022

Friday's wildlife sightings

Friday's wildlife sightings

After a cold start the sun came through to leave a glorious winter's day

11 February 2022

Times are changing

Times are changing

Times are changing and spring is arriving, but we still have a good helping of winter wildlife on offer

10 February 2022

Tuesday 8 February 2022

Tuesday 8 February 2022

Rushy Hide/Peng ObservatoryA dawn count which included the Tack Piece found only 97 Bewick's Swans on site, have we seen the first return departures?Estuary TowerRoss's Goose with the Barnacle Goose flock on the Dumbles, three Snow Geese also present, 2 P

8 February 2022

Monday 7 February 2022 sightings

Monday 7 February 2022 sightings

Highlights from around the reserve

7 February 2022

Wet weekend

Wet weekend

A blustery and wet weekend restored water levels in many areas

6 February 2022

Kingfishers becoming more regular

Kingfishers becoming more regular

Activity at the Kingfisher Hide has become more frequent in recent days

4 February 2022

World Wetlands Day 2 February 2022

World Wetlands Day 2 February 2022

It's looking like another good day to watch wetland birds on the reserve.

2 February 2022

Pink-footed Geese again

Pink-footed Geese again

Three Pink-footed Geese over the weekend

30 January 2022

24 January 2022 sightings

24 January 2022 sightings

Top New PieceFrom the Zeiss and Van de Bovenkamp hides, the Todd's Canada and Dark-bellied Brent with Canada/Barnacle Goose flock + the Ross's and Snow x Bar-headed Goose, 320 Wigeon, c60 Teal, Great White Egret in the ditch on south side, 2 Water Rail in

24 January 2022

23 January 2022 WeBS Count

23 January 2022 WeBS Count

Totals from today's Wetland Bird Survey count

23 January 2022

Merlin is almost reliable

Merlin is almost reliable

The wintering female Merlin was again about the Bottom New Piece, the Van de Bovenkamp Hide is probably best to search for it.

20 January 2022

Trio of Snow Geese

Trio of Snow Geese

Three white phase Snow Geese appeared on the Dumbles saltmarsh this morning, they were in the company of Canada Geese.

18 January 2022

Monday 17 January sightings

Monday 17 January sightings

Brilliant sunshine and lots of ice this morning

17 January 2022