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Flurry of Spring migrants

Flurry of Spring migrants

Image of Russian White-fronted Geese over Tack Piece - MJM.Another day with a number of newly arrived spring migrants plus those that are staging here. We still have a few winter visitors on site.Rushy Hide/Peng ObservatoryOur first pair of Garganey for t

25 March 2024

Swallows and other migrants

Swallows and other migrants

Image- Avocet from Discovery Hide (MJM).A number of early migrant birds have been noted over the weekend, following Willow Warbler last Thursday 21 March, another was seen and heard 23/24 March, our first Swallow of the year appeared on Friday 22 March, i

24 March 2024

Last Bewick's and the Whooper Swans depart

Last Bewick's and the Whooper Swans depart

Further departures from the reserve appears to include the last of our wintering swans, unless they have moved to feed in one of the more hidden fields they have gone. No sign of them on the Tack Piece or Rushy today and this has been very much part of th

21 March 2024

Green-winged Teal re-appears

Green-winged Teal re-appears

Image- Eurasian Wigeon- departures of this grazing duck this week.The drake Green-winged Teal was relocated today, as expected often hidden in the rushy flood on the Bottom New Piece, a flock of Teal have been feeding and loafing in here but can be hard t

20 March 2024

Four Kingfishers at the nesting bank

Four Kingfishers at the nesting bank

The Kingfisher Hide was proving it's very well named with four Kingfishers in view at the same time this morning. We have been watching them fight and chase as the resident pair try to chase off the intruders. To top off the scene this morning the three O

19 March 2024

Little Gull again

Little Gull again

The second calendar year Little Gull appeared again today, it was feeding over the Tack Piece with forays to the Rushy this morning. Estuary TowerA smart male Merlin early morning, two Marsh Harriers, 20 Russian White-fronted Geese on Lower Dumbles and 13

18 March 2024

Med Gulls, Green-winged Teal and more

Med Gulls, Green-winged Teal and more

More birds have left but new arrivals are in, read on for the latest sightings.Late news for yesterday included the drake Green-winged Teal on Tack Piece and a 2cy Little Gull and Mediterranean Gull on South LakeTack PieceAt least 38 Sand Martins fed ove

17 March 2024

Only one Bewick's Swan remains

Only one Bewick's Swan remains

We've almost reached the stage when the last Bewick's Swan leaves, only one was present after ten departed last night. The two Whooper Swans are still on site moving between Rushy and Tack Piece.Other sightings today includedEstuary Tower287 Shelduck feed

14 March 2024

Third Dumbles flood of the week

Third Dumbles flood of the week

Once again today the high tide flooded the Dumbles today, the feeding bonanza was attracting many of the Tack Piece birds. Large flocks of Wigeon were grazing areas they don't noramlly use with flocks of Teal and Pintail among them. At times the Dunlin an

13 March 2024

Very high Spring tide and our first LRP of the year

Very high Spring tide and our first LRP of the year

The very high Spring tide pushed up and over the Dumbles, it flooded the whole area to some depth, the birding was really good with many species close to the Estuary Tower or moving to the Tack Piece. Our first Little-ringed Plover of the year arrived ove

12 March 2024

Wintering birds holding on whilst the Spring passage begins

Wintering birds holding on whilst the Spring passage begins

Rushy Hide/Peng ObservatoryTwo Whooper Swan and 11 Bewick's Swan (one on the Dumbles another on the Tack Piece), Spotted Redshank on the lower pond with a Black-tailed Godwit + Redshank, 57 Pintail among the ducksEstuary TowerThe Dumbles has flooded on th

11 March 2024

10 March 2024 WeBS Count

10 March 2024 WeBS Count

Wetland Bird Survey 10 March 2024Canada Goose131Barnacle Goose98Greylag Goose165Russian White-fronted Goose (European - albifrons)229Mute Swan101Bewick's Swan11Whooper Swan2Shelduck189Shoveler228Gadwall79Wigeon1241Mallard237Pintail127Teal297Pochard35Tufte

10 March 2024

Two Spoonbills

Two Spoonbills

A foggy morning prevented us from seeing much to report but after it cleared a few species were noted.Two Spoonbills were on the Tack Piece through the afternoon.At least 12 Bewick's Swans remain on site, further departures of 28 last night.Two Whooper Sw

6 March 2024

First Sand Martins of 2024 on 4th March and 5 March sightings

First Sand Martins of 2024 on 4th March and 5 March sightings

Yesterday afternoon, at approx 1620hrs a trio of Sand Martins flew low through the Rushy heading NE, as is often the case they didn't stop and were seen a little later at Frampton on Severn where they went to roost. The crossover period as the first Sprin

5 March 2024

Late winter sunshine

Late winter sunshine

A cold night led to much ice on the shallower ponds however it thawed rapidly, after yesterday mornings covering of snow it really highlighted that winter isn't yet quite done. Highlights today included the following.Top New Piece from Zeiss HideFifty Avo

3 March 2024