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All roads open. Everyone can access Nelson-Lyle, walking boots to Lyle, wellies to Friends, Reedbed hide closed for now. Water levels dropping. Lady Fen trails closed for breeding season - due to re-open July. Wetland views from the cafe until then.


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Welney news

Artist Gill McCoy features in the gallery this July & August

Artist Gill McCoy features in the gallery this July & August

Throughout July and August the gallery is alive with colourful, creative artwork by Gill McCoy. Gill currently works at WWT Welney, and you may well see her as you are welcomed to the centre on a visit. Gill’s collection depicts many different species,

1 July 2018

Ruby-tailed wasps

Ruby-tailed wasps

Ruby tailed wasp by Kim Tarsey There are some real jewels to be found on the reserve at the moment including these ruby-tailed wasps. They aren't the largest wasp at only 1cm long but they make up for that with their

24 June 2018

Crane chick growing up

Crane chick growing up

The pair of cranes which bred at WWT Welney are providing great opportunities to watch them.  The single chick is growing and will soon be taller than much of the vegetation around it.  We have only seen one chick, so it could be that the second egg did

4 May 2018

Welney Access

Welney Access

There are road closure signs around Welney today, you can go past these as the work has been completed.

19 October 2017

Westerly wind bring seabirds inland

Westerly wind bring seabirds inland

Manx shearwater rescue This morning a local resident brought a grounded Manx shearwater into the centre.  With the high winds we've seen across the UK this week, several hundred shearwaters have been blown off course

14 September 2017

Centre Access

Centre Access

Access to the centre is now fine. All roads are back open however the roads may still have signs saying they are closed, you can go past these signs.

19 August 2017

Access to the centre

Access to the centre

The Ten Mile Bank road to the centre is currently closed due to a burst water pipe. Access to the centre is via the Littleport Road, please go past the road closed sign on Suspension Bridge.

19 August 2017

Project Godwit birds are exploring the UK

Project Godwit birds are exploring the UK

Black-tailed godwit project bird at WWT Steart Marshes by J Cockram     This week we have heard about several reports of Project Godwit birds being spotted at nature reserves around the UK - which is extremely exc

21 July 2017

Cranes on the move

Cranes on the move

Update Mon 24 July: At least six cranes roosted on the reserve Saturday night.  At the bat & barn owl evening which was held at the centre, visitors watched four cranes fly onto the reserve in the late evening.  These four birds were a family of two

17 July 2017

Rare birds released on the Fens in ‘conservation first’ for the UK

Rare birds released on the Fens in ‘conservation first’ for the UK

25 rare black-tailed godwits were released into their new home in the Cambridgeshire Fens yesterday by conservationists from RSPB and the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) as part of ‘Project Godwit’. After the eggs were removed from nests and hatc

13 June 2017

Sad news for black-winged stilts

Sad news for black-winged stilts

Sadly, since the original news of the black-winged stilt pair hatching their chicks, we have seen the adults birds without the chicks and they have now moved from Lady Fen, to feed on the reserve.  Despite the fact that the chicks haven't survived, this

1 June 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Black-tailed godwit Pochard Teal Avocet Gadwall Shoveler Dunlin -2 Little ringed plover - 8 Lapwing Redshank Mallard Pied Wagtail Common sandpiper Swallow Tree sparrow -4 Ruff - 2 Swift

8 May 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

2 Black-winged stilt - Lady Fen, directly in front of the visitor centre Garganey - Friends Hide 3 Great white egret - 2 at Friends Hide, 1 at Reedbed Hide 2 Ringed plover - Lady Fen 3 Wheatear Corn bunting Cuckoo Dunlin Redshank Lapwing Swallow House mar

30 April 2017

Daisy Clarke makes it to Denmark before Storm Doris hits the UK

Daisy Clarke makes it to Denmark before Storm Doris hits the UK

Our Bewick's swan, Daisy Clarke, is now in Denmark, having had a breif stop in the Netherlands and Germany as she moves further north east towards the breeding grounds in Arctic Russia. Good luck Daisy Clarke! Leho is yet to start her journey, so there ar

22 February 2017

Dawn swan count

Dawn swan count

This morning we conducted our February swan count and found there to be 1,829 Bewick’s swans and 2,000 whooper swans on the WWT section of the Ouse Washes.  This indicates that the first few swans have started their spring migrations, we will soon see

14 February 2017