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Wildlife sightings

Wildlife sightings

Good numbers of Teal today with around 300 just from the Scrape hide! Shelduck had also increased around the site with a total count of 21. Red kites were showing well from the Ramsar hide and over the hanger this morning. A Stoat was a surprise view from

8 December 2013

Wildlife Sightings

Wildlife Sightings

Great start to the day with a pair of Pintail from the Ramsar/sand martin hides. This was closely followed by a female/red head Goosander which unfortunately didn't hang around for long and 12 Wigeon, 7 Shoveler and around 200 teal. 2 Grey heron, 2 Cormor

1 December 2013

Wigeon and Lapwing invasion!

Wigeon and Lapwing invasion!

What a day yesterday. 200 Lapwing were roosting from the Ramsar and Sand martin hides in the morning with lots of noise and flapping. A bit of  shock after seeing only one or two for weeks! The real surprise towards the end of yesterday were 25 Wigeon, t

27 November 2013

Wildlife sightings

Wildlife sightings

The cooler weather has sparked an increase in various species of duck. 6 Wigeon, 6 Shoveler and around 50 Teal were the more obvious arrivals. Snipe are showing well from most of the hides, with the Sand martin and Scrape hides having individuals at close

24 November 2013

Bittern again

Bittern again

Bittern seen again last night at 4.30pm being pursued by a Grey heron. This took place in front of the Scrape hide with the Bittern landing again in the main reedbed. Over 100 hundred Pied Wagtails with 14 Starlings coming to roost at 4.15pm;. Will this i

15 November 2013

Bittern at dusk.

Bittern at dusk.

Whilst watching the 100 or so Pied wagtails coming into roost in the reedbed at 16.15 last night, a Bittern flew up from the back of the lost reedbed (Scrape hide), landing amongst the wagtail roost in the centre of the main reedbed from the reedbed hide.

14 November 2013

Wildlife sightings

Wildlife sightings

Highlight from Saturday was a second ever Great white egret, both seen this year and a brief sighting of  a Bittern in the reedbed. Yesterday evening a gathering of between 100 and 150 Pied wagtails going to roost in the reedbed along with 40 Reed bunti

6 November 2013

30th October 2013

30th October 2013

Good morning! All much calmer here today after the storms. Todays sightings are as follows; SCRAPE HIDE: 18 Snipe, 6 Teal, Coots and Mallard. SANDMARTIN & RAMSAR HIDES: 3 Cormorants, 1 Grey heron, 10 Teal, 6 Gadwall, 3 Snipe, Mute swans, Moorhens and

30 October 2013

Spotted a Crake!!

Spotted a Crake!!

Star bird of the day was a Spotted Crake seen from the Scrape hide this morning. Last one was seen here back in 1992! Bearded tits were seen again on Tuesday, although not seen since then they could still be out there!

24 October 2013

Beardies return

Beardies return

Fantastic sighting of 3 Bearded Tits flitting over the top of the reeds in the main reedbed this morning. They promptly landed and disappeared. After much waiting and scanning no further sightings were made up to 2pm. They are very elusive birds so a good

21 October 2013

Wildlife sightings

Wildlife sightings

The last week has seen a constant of level of around a dozen Shoveler with a high of 19 from the sand martin and scrape hides. Snipe numbers have been increasing in the same areas with 12 being seen this morning including one very close to the Scrape hid

13 October 2013

Autumnal mornings at Arundel

Autumnal mornings at Arundel

Good morning All! It is setting up to be a beautiful day out on the reserve. The heavy dew highlighting the thousands of spider webs all over the grounds. RESERVE SIGHTINGS; Wren, Cetti's warbler, Dunnock, Peregrines, Sparrow hawk, Wood pigeon, Collared d

6 October 2013

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Morning All! It's reasonably quite out on the reserve at the moment, however the end of season cutting is starting to take place and this should open up some areas nicely for the birds. But keep your eyes peeled and their are a few newly feathered beautie

27 September 2013

Kingfisher first

Kingfisher first

A Kingfisher became the first to perch in front of the new artificial bank, constructed as part of the new Arun riverlife project yesterday. This is only about two weeks after adding the finishing touches and installing a couple of suitable perches.

5 September 2013

Butterflies and hirundines

Butterflies and hirundines

Continued warm weather as meant that butterflies that are active at this time of year are having a very much improved year than the last one! Highlights have been Clouded yellows, 1 Adonis blue (male), Speckled woods, Meadow brown, Small tortoiseshell, Pe

4 September 2013