Latest sightings

Insect high!

Insect high!

Most notable at the moment are the number of different insects busying themselves around the reserve. Butterflies seem to be fluttering out of everywhere, including Brimstone, Red admiral, Small tortoiseshell, Gatekeeper, Meadow brown, Common Blue, Peacoc

15 August 2013

Sunday sightings

Sunday sightings

Morning everyone, another beautiful day. RESERVE: 1 Grey heron, Reed and Sedge warblers, Goldfinch, Woodpigeon, Blackbird, Robin, Dunnock, Moorhen & chicks, Nuthatch, Blue tit, Pheasants & young, Collared dove, Tufted duck & ducklings, Mallard

21 July 2013

Summer days

Summer days

Good morning all! Another glorious day and everything is looking beautiful. RAMSAR & SAND MARTIN HIDE: 4 Little Egrets, 16 Canada geese, 11 Tufted duck, 1 Lapwing, 1 Common Tern, 2 juvenille Common Shelducks. LAPWING HIDE: 2 Lapwing, Wood pigeon, Moo

17 July 2013

Don't count your eggs!

Don't count your eggs!

It seems that the on two Common tern chicks have now gone missing. The parents are sitting around the raft but this morning it seems that they may be trying again. Watch this space. Four Teal from the scrape hide and four Oystercatchers from the Sand mart

7 July 2013



The Common tern chicks have now both wandered away from the raft and are sitting in cover on the waters edge right in front of the Sand Martin hide. This gives even closer views of them being fed! Yesterday two more adult terns put in a brief appearance b

1 July 2013

26th June 2013 - Arundels reserve sightings

26th June 2013 - Arundels reserve sightings

Morning All! What a beautiful day, sunny, dry and a light breeze. The Peregrines certainly think so they were flying over the reserve with a fresh catch this morning and are currently up on the hanger feeding. A couple of Buzzards and a Red kite have also

26 June 2013

21st June 2013

21st June 2013

The warmer weather has brought many species of insects out in abundance over the last few days and the plants are coming through and flowering in record speed. Bee, Common spotted and Marsh orchids are all being observed in good numbers. RAMSAR & SAN

21 June 2013

Baby Tern

Baby Tern

This morning, right on the estimated date at least one of the two Common Tern eggs have hatched on the tern raft in front of the Sand martin hide. Windows have been opened for the occassion!

18 June 2013

Mondays sightings

Mondays sightings

RESERVE: Sedge warbler, Cuckoo (heard only), Reed warbler, Sparrow hawk, Water vole, Reed bunting, Wren, Nuthatch, Swallows, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Green finch, Great tit, Blue tit, Robin, Blackbird, Pheasants, Wood pigeon, Jackdaw, Herring gulls. SAND MAR

10 June 2013

Hotting up!

Hotting up!

The weather has been warming up over the week, but so has the action. A surprise visit by a solitary Black tailed Godwit on Friday was an unusual find for this time of year, but it only stayed a short time. A Barn Owl during a bat survey last week out on

9 June 2013

Sundays sightings

Sundays sightings

RESERVE: Blue tit, Great tit, Nuthatch, Blackbird, Robin, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Tree creeper, Wren, Water voles, Moorhens, Coots & chicks, Reed bunting, Mallards & ducklings, Peregrines, Red kites. LAPWING HIDE: 4 Grey lag geese & 15 goslings,

19 May 2013

A Nightjar!

A Nightjar!

Nightjar 15/05/13 by David Barrett We saw this lovely bird yesterday, just on the entrance to the Reed bed, below our owl box. This bird was probably out at this time of the day due to exhaustion. From mid March to m

16 May 2013

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

RESERVE: Pied wagtail, Wood pigeon, 2 Buzzards, Pheasant, Dunnock, Reed bunting, Cetti's, Reed & Sedge warblers, Black bird, Song thrush, Jackdaw, Crow, Blue tit, Great tit, Chaffinch, Green finch, Great Spotted woodpecker, Wren, Water voles, Water ra

14 May 2013

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

RESERVE: Water voles, Swallows, House Martins, Red kite, Peregrine, Dunnock, robin, collared dove, Black bird, Blue tit, Great tit, Green finch, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Nut hatch, Coot & chicks, Moorhen & chicks, Mallard & ducklings, Pochard &am

12 May 2013

Common terns

Common terns

Any of you visiting today, sighting in the Sand Martin hide would of indeed had a good laugh at our expense! Putting the tern raft out in high winds was probably not the best idea in the world, but we persevered and it is now out and attached to underwate

9 May 2013