Caerlaverock news

Reserve Update Wednesday 21st November

Reserve Update Wednesday 21st November

The ducks, waders and geese are loving the Lochar field this morning down at Avenue Tower.  Over three hundred each of Wigeon and Lapwing feeding around (and in!) the flooded grassland.  They are joined by good numbers of Barnacle Geese and over 50 Curl

21 November 2018

Reserve Update - Monday 19th November - Old friend returns!

Reserve Update - Monday 19th November - Old friend returns!

Happy news from the Whooper Pond today, a swan that has not been seen for 10 years has shown up so we are all very pleased.  It's interesting to think what it may have been up to for the last decade! Teal and Wigeon numbers are still high, with 1000 of e

19 November 2018

Reserve Update - Thursday 15th November - Raptors

Reserve Update - Thursday 15th November - Raptors

Following the strong wind and rain yesterday we have been left with quite a few waders on the Folly pond.  There are also large numbers of Teal and Wigeon so it's well worth checking them out for any peculiarities. The Saltcot Merse Observatory was brill

15 November 2018

Reserve Update Tuesday 13th November

Reserve Update Tuesday 13th November

Ten Pintail could still be seen on Flood Ground this morning although they have now seemingly flown into the field to the North of the Avenue Tower.  Look for them feeding in amongst Whooper swans, Barnacle Geese, Greylag Geese, Lapwing, Curlew and Wigeo

13 November 2018

Reserve Sightings - Monday 12th November 2018 - Peregrine

Reserve Sightings - Monday 12th November 2018 - Peregrine

Great start to the day with a Peregrine flying around the Whooper Pond this morning.  Not many Whooper swans joining in with the first feed of the day, likely because they are finding plenty of food in the fields around the Avenue Tower.  Hopefully more

12 November 2018

Latest Sightings - Saturday 10th November

Latest Sightings - Saturday 10th November

Duck numbers continue to rise, the Folly Pond and Flood Ground especially good at the moment. Over 9,000 Barnacle Geese are regularly feeding in the local area with both white leucistic birds and two suspected Barnacle x Snow Goose hybrids amongst them.

10 November 2018

Reserve Update Thursday 8th November

Reserve Update Thursday 8th November

The Barnacle Geese are loving Corner field this morning.  We had good numbers around the reserve yesterday with over 10,000 birds recorded during our daily counts.  Whooper Swan numbers are building up again on the Whooper Pond although they are still t

8 November 2018

Reserve Update Wednesday 7th November

Reserve Update Wednesday 7th November

Silver and Gold hide is a good place to visit this morning with over 400 Teal and 300 Wigeon out feeding around the seasonal pool in Corner field.  They have been joined by small numbers of Lapwing and Black-tailed Godwit too.  Elsewhere on the wader fr

7 November 2018

Reserve Sightings- 5th November 2018 - Pochard!

Reserve Sightings- 5th November 2018 - Pochard!

A mild an sunny day on site, with many duck species such as Teal and Wigeon in high numbers. On the folly pond a Pochard has been spotted snoozing and clearly having a lazy morning (nice for some!!!). A Pintail has also been spotted on the Folly Pond this

5 November 2018

Latest Sightings - Friday 2nd November

Latest Sightings - Friday 2nd November

Another sunny and frosty morning on the reserve. The Mute Swan cygnets have been taking their first flights over the past few days, and Whooper Swans are feeding all around the local area. Snipe have been flying over the reserve recently, including 8 over

2 November 2018

Reserve sightings - Thursday 1st November

Reserve sightings - Thursday 1st November

The fog from earlier this morning has cleared leaving a clear and sunny day.  There were 28 whooper swans on the whooper pond at around 8:30 with more dropping in as the morning progresses.  Yesterday proved to be exciting with a Spotted Redshank showin

1 November 2018

Reserve Sightings -Tuesday 30th October - Yellowhammer!

Reserve Sightings -Tuesday 30th October - Yellowhammer!

Another cold day on the reserve however all the frosty weather has brought the Yellowhammers back on site! Keep an eye out walking from the Farmhouse towards the Peter Scott Observatory as this is where they like to feed among the other passerines. The av

30 October 2018

Latest sightings - Monday 29th October

Latest sightings - Monday 29th October

The temperature remains below zero this morning resulting in some of our ponds being partially frozen.  Good numbers of whooper swans on the whooper pond again this morning as well as a new family of mute swans with 4 cygnets.  Wigeon numbers also conti

29 October 2018

Latest Sightings - Saturday 27th October

Latest Sightings - Saturday 27th October

Even colder this morning, but it seems some of the Whooper Swans have found food elsewhere as there were just 40 on the Whooper Pond at 8:30 as opposed to the 120 we had yesterday. Keep an eye on the fields in the area as they could be feeding out there.

27 October 2018

Latest Sightings - Friday 26th October - Influx of Whooper Swans

Latest Sightings - Friday 26th October - Influx of Whooper Swans

The cold snap overnight with clear skies has resulted in an influx of Whooper Swans, including some named swans. The sun is shining and the birds look fantastic feeding in the ponds and fields. Named Whooper Swan arrivals: YHS - Solway Siren Lost Darvi

26 October 2018