Caerlaverock news

Green winged teal and more sightings highlights

Green winged teal and more sightings highlights

We have had a special visitor causing a bit of a flutter this week: a drake (male) green winged teal. It was first spotted on the Folly Pond this Wednesday (6th March) and was moving around the site the rest of the week. Very similar to our Eurasian teal

9 March 2024

Wetland Word of the Week 1

Wetland Word of the Week 1

For our Words for Wetlands programme we are creating a dictionary of wetland words. Our first is merse......meaning the marshy land where the river meets the sea, specifically applied to the Solway Firth. Merse is the word we use when talking about the sa

7 March 2024

We all know what March means...

We all know what March means...

It’s getting to that time of year: we are nearing the end of daily swan feeds.The swans are getting ready to head back to Iceland for their summer holidays. We are seeing fewer and fewer of them on the Whooper Pond during the feeds and will soon be able

4 March 2024

From yelling  'stick together' to 'it's all about me!'

From yelling 'stick together' to 'it's all about me!'

It’s a day where the distance is hidden, the close is blurry and grey and so as I head down the Saltcot Loaning, I lean more to using ears than eyes. We love to label and compartmentalise times of year but today fits no man-made season: my ears tell me

27 February 2024

Introducing our new feeding station

Introducing our new feeding station

After several months of planning and postponing and dreaming and rearranging, we have finally completed our first project – redesigning the bird feeder station. The station is along the Peter Scott Trail in an area of wet woodland. This habitat provides

20 February 2024

Willow Weaving

Willow Weaving

Before Christmas, a fence along the Saltcot Loaning blew over, an unfortunate event... Or was it?It gave us the exciting challenge of creating our very first willow screen. Willow is amazingly flexible due to its fast-growing nature causing a lack in cell

18 February 2024

Observations from the Big Hideout

Observations from the Big Hideout

Excitedly I grab some old binoculars after hearing that we have a certain visitor to our Whooper pond.Although they delight our team and visitors from time to time, I am yet to see one.It is with glee that upon hurriedly reaching the observatory, I am gre

16 February 2024

Put a ring on it

Put a ring on it

It is uncommon for us to be finding new swan rings at this time of year. Normally by this time, we stop seeing birds with rings that haven’t visited the reserve yet this season. But at the end of January, ZJA was spotted. The ring was old and weathered-

14 February 2024

The crunch of snail shells

The crunch of snail shells

I walk down the Saltcot Loaning and hear a crunch as I step. Glancing down, I notice a snail shell under the toe of my boot. I jerk back immediately, worried I’ve just crushed some little creature. I crouch down to look at it and it is just an empty she

6 February 2024

Caerlaverock Bird Race 2024 Final Update

Caerlaverock Bird Race 2024 Final Update

With the end of January comes the end of the Bird Race.The wardens, placement students and our very own site manager were put against each other in a battle of birding to see who knows their fieldfare from their redwing and who mistakes a blue tit for a g

1 February 2024

Going for Gold (Bird Race update 7)

Going for Gold (Bird Race update 7)

The longer we do the bird race, the trickier it gets. We were seeing three or four new species everyday in the first week or so but now a good day is a single new species. It becomes important that all the regulars are checked off the list and there is on

29 January 2024

Greenshank, twite and snipe (Bird Race update 6)

Greenshank, twite and snipe (Bird Race update 6)

Another week of the Bird Race and we're approaching the final stretch now. Highlights for the teams this week are greenshank on the Lochar, twite on the saltmarsh, large numbers of knot during the WeBS count and three woodcock in the carpark. Other sighti

21 January 2024

Who would choose that pond?

Who would choose that pond?

You see a shallow, muddy-looking pool in an area where there is little to no plant life around. You know that there must be a creature that likes it because there is almost nowhere on the planet that isn’t occupied by one animal or another. But who in t

21 January 2024

Gadwall, brent geese and siskin (Bird Race update 5)

Gadwall, brent geese and siskin (Bird Race update 5)

Meg: It’s over two weeks into the bird race and Ed started us off strong. I have added several species to our slowly growing list: we are on 62 species, trailing behind Team Warden and Team Dave. But I think it is an impressive feat considering our expe

17 January 2024

Working the office window (Bird Race Update 4)

Working the office window (Bird Race Update 4)

This Bird Race is tough for me: I’m not like the other teams, gallivanting round the reserve all day, in amongst the birds all the time. They only have to stumble over them to add them to their lists. I am busy taking one for the team, working the desk

14 January 2024