Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Latest sightings

Recent Sightings 19th - 25th March

Recent Sightings 19th - 25th March

Blackcap, Butterflies, and the illusive Greenshank

28 March 2022

Recent Sightings 12th March - 18th March

Recent Sightings 12th March - 18th March

Spring unfolding on the Deep Water Lake

19 March 2022

Recent Sightings 5th - 11th of March

Recent Sightings 5th - 11th of March

Otters in front of the Heron's wing, breeding birds, and Willow Tit rumours

11 March 2022

Recent Sightings 27th February - 4th March

Recent Sightings 27th February - 4th March

Displaying Lapwings, bird song, Black Headed Gulls, and Great Crested Grebe

4 March 2022

Recent Sightings 5th - 12th February

Recent Sightings 5th - 12th February

Highlights: Otters, Glossy Ibises, Snipe and some early signs of Spring

12 February 2022

Recent Sightings 29th January - 4th February

Recent Sightings 29th January - 4th February

Pintail, Peregrine, Goldeneye, Merganser, Grebe

4 February 2022

Recent Sightings 22nd - 28th January

Recent Sightings 22nd - 28th January

Weasel, Fox, Sparrowhawk

28 January 2022

Recent Sightings 15th - 21st January

Recent Sightings 15th - 21st January

Glossy Ibis, Kestrel, Bullfinches, Black Headed Gulls

21 January 2022

Recent Sightings 8th - 14th January

Recent Sightings 8th - 14th January

Highlights: Woodcock, Fox, Scaup, Firecrest

14 January 2022

Recent Sightings 1st - 7th January

Recent Sightings 1st - 7th January

Highlights: Curlew, Thrush, Red Kite, Glossy Ibis

7 January 2022

Recent Sightings 11th - 17th December

Recent Sightings 11th - 17th December

Highlights: Lapwings, Goshawk, Siberian Chiffchaff and Jays

17 December 2021

Recent Sightings 4th - 10th December

Recent Sightings 4th - 10th December

Redwing, Lapwing, Pochard, Bullfinches

10 December 2021

Recent Sightings 27th November - 3rd December

Recent Sightings 27th November - 3rd December

Hen Harrier, Merlin, Kestrel, Redwing, Woodcock

3 December 2021

Recent Sightings 20th-26th November

Recent Sightings 20th-26th November

Garganey, Spoonbills, Water Pipits, Siberian Chiffchaffs and a Grey Seal

26 November 2021

Recent Sightings 13th - 19th November

Recent Sightings 13th - 19th November

Spoonbills, Lapwings, Ruff, Bramblings, Nuthatch,

19 November 2021