Latest sightings

Wood Sandpiper still on the grazing marsh this morning

Wood Sandpiper still on the grazing marsh this morning

Wood Sandpiper still on the West side of the grazing marsh this morning, Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Little Ringed Plover and 2 Redshank also still present on site.

13 May 2019

Second Wood Sandpiper of the Spring

Second Wood Sandpiper of the Spring

Little Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, Black-tailed Godwit, Redshank and juvenile Lapwing all showing well.

12 May 2019

Black - Tailed Godwit still on wader scrape

Black - Tailed Godwit still on wader scrape

Lapwing young on the marsh & wader scrape this morning

11 May 2019

A nice mix of waders still on the reserve today

A nice mix of waders still on the reserve today

Black-Tailed Godwit and Common Sandpiper are a couple of the waders we have at LWC

10 May 2019

Good wader watching today

Good wader watching today

Ringed Plover, Little Ringed Plovers, Redshanks, Black-tailed Godwit, Snipe and Lapwing all on the reserve

9 May 2019

Whitethroat and Lesser Whitethroat singing

Whitethroat and Lesser Whitethroat singing

Sheltered lagoon has plenty of warblers singing this morning, including 2 Lesser Whitethroat. A Spotted Flycatcher was found later in wildside. Little Ringed Plovers and Ringed Plover on the main lake.

8 May 2019

Nightingale singing in wildside

Nightingale singing in wildside

A Nightingale is singing on the main lake/reedbed border not far from the Headley Hide this morning. Also plenty of waders on the reserve including Ringed Plover and Black-tailed Godwit

7 May 2019

Yellow wagtails on the main lake & marsh this morning

Yellow wagtails on the main lake & marsh this morning

Hobby and Kestrel on the hunt while the Black-Tailed Godwit is still on our wader scrape

5 May 2019

Black-Tailed Godwit, Little Ringed Plover & Common Sandpiper spotted this morning

Black-Tailed Godwit, Little Ringed Plover & Common Sandpiper spotted this morning

A nice selection of waders on the reserve today along with Wheatear and Lesser Whitethroat

4 May 2019

Displaying Snipe over the marsh

Displaying Snipe over the marsh

The rare sight of a Common Snipe displaying over our grazing marsh this morning.

3 May 2019

Black-Tailed Godwit feeding on the wader scrape

Black-Tailed Godwit feeding on the wader scrape

Common Tern, Little Ringed Plover and Swifts all on the reserve today

2 May 2019

Greenshank on marsh

Greenshank on marsh

Swifts have arrived at LWC

1 May 2019

Wood Sandpiper and Garganey pair on the grazing marsh

Wood Sandpiper and Garganey pair on the grazing marsh

Wood Sandpiper and Garganey pair on the W side of the grazing marsh, and the first 4 Lapwing chicks of Spring on the wader scrape.

30 April 2019

Common Sandpiper and Yellow Wagtail by Headley Hide

Common Sandpiper and Yellow Wagtail by Headley Hide

Yellow Wagtails spotted on the marsh and by Headley Hide this morning, along with Common Sandpiper and Garganey

24 April 2019

First Garden Warbler and Whitethroat of the spring

First Garden Warbler and Whitethroat of the spring

Wader scrape hide area great for Warblers this morning, while on the marsh there's Little Ringed Plover, Garganey and Wheatear

20 April 2019