Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Fri 6 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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An icy start but all together a glorious day if a little chilly in the hides early on. A great selection of waders using the reserve at the moment with up to 12 species recently recorded. A Woodcock was seen in flight from the Janet Kear Hide. Over past w

7 March 2016



Another rain free day to be celebrated and the forecast looks good for the next few days for anyone who has missed the winter spectacle at WWT Martin Mere so far. In four weeks time most of the wintering birds will have departed and the water levels will

6 March 2016

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Snow free and light winds, warm in the sun this morning. Plenty of raptor action with Hen Harrier (ringtail) mid morning, immature Peregrine, Marsh Harrier, 4+ Common Buzzard, 2 Sparrowhawk and Kestrel. Barn Owl and Tawny Owl again. The first Curlew of th

5 March 2016

Hen Harrier

Hen Harrier

The 'ringtail' Hen Harrier was present around the reserve again today, and was seen by several observers early afternoon. In another good raptor day, 2 Marsh Harriers, an immature Peregrine, at least 3 Common Buzzrads, a Sparrowhawk, and both of the regul

4 March 2016

Kittiwake drops in.

Kittiwake drops in.

The day started off with some heavy hail showers and increasing wind which stayed with us all day before the showers started again late afternoon. An adult breeding plumage Kittiwake was found with Black-headed Gulls on the Mere early afternoon and was st

2 March 2016

More Avocet

More Avocet

A compilation of sightings from the past few days with Monday being the best weather wise. The inexorable rise of Avocet numbers continues with 41 birds today. They tend to spend time sleeping at the back of the Mere and feeding on Vinson's/Sunley's Marsh

1 March 2016

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Another pleasant day with a good range of species recorded. It is normally possible to see over 60 species in a full day on the reserve. The ringtail Hen Harrier showed reasonably well as this shot from the United Utilities Hide below testifies.

28 February 2016



A couple of great days birding on the reserve, helped by the current benign weather conditions. Star bird of the day was the first Bittern of the year which flew from a ditch at the back of Woodend Marsh and dropped into the Reed Bed in front of the Harri

27 February 2016

Swan catch . . .

Swan catch . . .

Today's annual swan catch netted a total of 101 Whoopers - a good number, slightly bettering the 92 birds caught earlier in the week at WWT Cearlaverock. The birds are measured, weighed, and given a general health check before being fitted with a numbered

25 February 2016

Bullfinch and other birds

Bullfinch and other birds

Another cracking day with great light after a sub zero start. Interesting to note that the Avocet moved to the coast briefly before 8 returned late morning probably as a result of the overnight freeze. The cold tends to knock back the wader numbers so onl

24 February 2016

Hen Harrier again.

Hen Harrier again.

A stunning day warm in the sun but chilly in the hides. Continuing to look good weather wise for the next few days. Early morning at the start of the Reed Bed Walk. An early morning recce along the Reed Bed Walk produ

23 February 2016

Hen Harrier and Bewick's Swan again

Hen Harrier and Bewick's Swan again

Chilly in the strong breeze but no rain, which we must be thankful for. As suspected a good raptor day with Hen Harrier (ringtail) being the pick of the bunch, flying through distantly around midday. Also 2 Marsh Harrier, a pair of adult Peregrine, 3+ Com

22 February 2016

Windy but no rain!

Windy but no rain!

The cold/warm front divide pushed further north meaning we were spared more rain, instead we had a very mild but very windy Sunday. It's not always easy to pick up the birds in these conditions but some excellent sightings were had! A six species of rapto

21 February 2016

Scaup and Short-eared Owl

Scaup and Short-eared Owl

Apologies for the lack of updates caused by a computer problem on Wednesday. This is a bit of a compilation of sightings. Today's bird(s) of the day were two female Scaup which were picked up on the Mere early afternoon before flying towards the Ron Barke

20 February 2016



The spring build up of waders continues with the first Ringed Plover on Thursday in Plover field which is currently excellent for feeding waders. A spectacular flock of at least 827 Black-tailed Godwit were present also on Thursday, which didn't quite ecl

19 February 2016