Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Fri 6 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Latest sightings

Med Gull and Lapwings

Med Gull and Lapwings

A barmy 14˚c this morning with light winds before an obvious change in weather as the wind increased and a late heavy shower came through. Mammatus clouds at dusk yesterday Spectacular numbers of Lapwing still on the

25 January 2016

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Good numbers of people being entertained by huge numbers of birds on a pleasant day which started sunny and ended with rain just after sunset. Whooper Swans and Pink-footed Geese in good numbers, the later certainly on the increase. Locally a few European

23 January 2016

Bird News

Bird News

A lovely day after the cloud cleared and lots of birds. The mild weather encouraging waders back inland, a few Oystercatcher have been around of late and 3 were present today, also 453 Black-tailed Godwit was a noticeable increase on recent counts, and th

22 January 2016

Bewick's Swan

Bewick's Swan

Glorious day to take part in the classic winter birding on offer at Martin Mere with dawn to dusk sunshine and light winds. If you were counting all the birds on the reserve at the moment the total numbers would top 15000! The Mere was packed with birds s

20 January 2016

All the B's Barnacle and Blackcap

All the B's Barnacle and Blackcap

A calm and cool day at Martin Mere, tomorrow looks even better with perhaps a little sunshine! Two new species to added to the year list with a Barnacle Goose seen with Pink-footed Geese from the Ron Barker Hide and a female Blackcap near the Kingfisher H

19 January 2016

Golden Plover and other birds

Golden Plover and other birds

With a marked change in temperature over the past few days it was always likely we would see a change in numbers of birds on the reserve and perhaps the arrival of something new. A count of 160 Golden Plover yesterday and 80+ today are exceptional numbers

18 January 2016

Minus 3

Minus 3

Harrier Hide view this morning Cold this morning with temperatures down to minus 3 degrees. So cold that frost appeared on some of the roosting Lapwing. We've not seen that here since the winter of 2010-11 were temp

16 January 2016

Barn Owls

Barn Owls

Barn Owls are showing well at the moment, a distant one out in the far fields this morning, but then a showy bird which was hunting Carum field in between Gladstone and UU hides late afternoon. The usual 3 Marsh Harrier were active all day, also a family

14 January 2016



Nuthatch calling between the new Discovery Hide and the Raines Observatory is new for the year. Although Nuthatch is recorded annually on the reserve it is still a note worthy bird. The  first record was just over 10 years ago in December 2005. Currently

13 January 2016



The Martin Mere year list is slowly developing. No real surprise that a Chiffchaff was hanging around the Sewage Works this morning, it's probably been present all winter. Blustery from mid morning with the occasional shower moving through. Good numbers o

12 January 2016

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

As we head for some settled but colder weather over the next week there should be some excellent birding to be had on and around the reserve. It is quite possible we will see further influxes of birds in particular Pink-footed Geese and maybe one or two B

11 January 2016

Cetti's Warbler

Cetti's Warbler

Some heavy rain in the morning but clearing to produce a reasonable day. A Cetti's Warbler was seen and heard from the Harrier Hide this afternoon. It is likely Cetti's have been present for a couple of years now in that area. Your best chance of hearing

9 January 2016

Bewick's Swan

Bewick's Swan

Bird of the day was a Bewick's Swan found on Top Mere by the potato pile, it will be interesting to compare photo's to see if it's the same bird that appeared early this winter. The appearance of the Bewick coincided with an influx of some new Whooper Swa

7 January 2016



The nights slowly drawing out. A good day to be out and about, great in the sun by mid afternoon. Some good coverage round the reserve today resulting in a couple of sightings of the Firecrest inside the Waterfowl Gar

6 January 2016

Belated Green-winged Teal and Harriers

Belated Green-winged Teal and Harriers

Starting off with the drake Green-winged Teal which we gleaned from the internet was present on the 2nd Jan. As usual the bird was seen from the Ron Barker Hide. Do bear in mind that the 3000+ Teal end up being regularly flushed by the 4 Marsh Harrier and

4 January 2016