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Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

We have had 3 cattle egrets, a green sandpiper and a cormorant family spotted from Ron Barker hide. On the Mere, 8 common terns - including one nesting - as well as a massive group of around 30 Canada geese can be seen. The lapwing have had a very product

22 June 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Here's this weeks highlights at Martin Mere:Little Ringed Plover OystercatcherLittle EgretStonechat Marsh HarrierBuzzard Barn OwlKestrelBlackcap WhitethroatWillow WarblerCetti's WarblerSedge WarblerSkylarkReed BuntingBullfinchKingfisher Feature image of a

16 June 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

This week's latest sightings include:Ron Barker HideCuckooBarn owlsPink-footed geeseBlackcapReed buntingWrenMarsh harrierHaresKingfisher HideSong thrushWrenDiscovery / Raines / Hale / Gladstone HidesCommon ternsBlack-headed gulls with chicksMediterranean

10 June 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Pictured this week are some Black-headed Gull chicks that have been hatching and fledging from the islands on the Main Mere. A lot of these young gulls can now be seen swimming around the islands and at Swan Lake by the visitors centre. Also visible from

6 June 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

This week we've seen Barn Owls come out of Barns in the bull's field and in Long Meadow (Barn at top of Gordon Taylor track). A lovely Sparrowhawk has been seen flying speedily about searching for prey. There have been some Little-ringed Plovers at Gordon

3 June 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

This week at Martin Mere we've had plenty of new-borns on the reserve with Avocet, Black Headed Gull and Mediterranean Gull chicks on the mere islands by the Discovery Hide, as well as numerous ducklings and goslings dotted all over the reserve and ground

30 May 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

There are plenty of birds out and about with their young this week - Canada geese, greylag geese, avocets and black-headed gulls have all been seen with their goslings / chicks. Many of the great tit and blue tit eggs in our nest boxes have hatched, with

26 May 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

On this Monday we've seen the Kingfisher, Barn Owl, Swallows, and Swifts at Ron-Barker. There have been some Avocets dropping in from the Mere to feed on Sunleys, but all the nests are on the back islands on the Main Mere. Common Tern and Great Crested Gr

23 May 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

This weeks sightings include:Ron BarkerGadwallTealShovelerTufted DuckLapwingAvocetGrey HeronGreat Black-Backed GullMarsh HarrierKingfisher HideCetti's WarblerReed BuntingTree SparrowLittle EgretHale Hide / Raines Observatory / Discovery Hide / Gladstone H

17 May 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Many of our Canada and Greylag goslings have hatched, and can be seen following their parents around on the Mere, and at United Utilities, Gordon Taylor, Harrier, and Ron Barker hides. We have several birds currently nesting on the Mere, including avocets

12 May 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

This week's sightings include:Ron Barker HideWhooper SwanCanada GooseBlack-Headed Gull2 GarganeysShelduckSnipeOystercatcherAvocetMarsh HarrierCuckooHareKingfisher HideBullfinchGoldfinchGreenfinchBlue TitGreat TitRobinDiscovery / Gladstone / Hale / Raines

10 May 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

This week's sightings include:Ron Barker HideMute SwanWhooper SwanCanada GooseShelduckTufted DuckKingfisher and chicksOystercatcherAvocetBlack-Headed GullSwiftStonechatWheatearWhinchatMarsh HarrierKestrelKingfisher HideGreat TitBlue TitGoldfinchGreenfinch

5 May 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

This bank holiday weekend has brought us lots of lovely sightings despite the dull weather! We've had cuckoo calling in the reedbed and in the fields past Ron-Barker Hide. Also at this hide, there are a family of Kingfisher, two parents feeding their youn

2 May 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

This week's sightings include:Ron Barker HideCanada GooseShelduckShovelerOystercatcherSnipeBlack-Headed GullYellow WagtailWheatearStonechatKestrelMarsh HarrierKingfisher HideGoldfinchGreenfinchBlue TitGreat TitTree SparrowDiscovery / Hale / Raines / Glads

28 April 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

It's been a busy week for the Reserve Team! Lots of surveys and early mornings, but this means an abundance of lovely species sightings! We did a Butterfly Survey last Tuesday and found a total of 21 individuals - the species found include; Green-veined W

25 April 2022