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Monday sightings

Monday sightings

Rushy Hide Early morning sightings included 2 Pintail, 3 Wigeon, 40 Teal, 2 Snipe, a Redshank and the Little Grebe. Tack Piece 15 Yellow Wagtail were among the cattle but flew off toward the TNP. Two juvenile Ruff, two Avocet and three Spotted Redshank w

17 September 2018

Wader Festival Weekend Sunday

Wader Festival Weekend Sunday

Middle Point On the fences and tussocks were three Wheatear, 2 Whinchat and a few Meadow Pipits. A party of 11 Arctic Tern (9 juveniles) spent much of the morning resting on sands out from the point. A roosting flock of Curlew. Rushy Hide Green Sandpiper

16 September 2018

Wader fest is here and so are the birds

Wader fest is here and so are the birds

Zeiss Hide Great start to Wader Fest with the 3 Spotted Redshank feeding frantically and a very mobile flock of 26 Ruff and a handful of Black Tailed Godwit. Lapwing as ever scattered across the fields and the odd Snipe flitting around. Influx of Teal ove

15 September 2018

Thursday's sightings

Thursday's sightings

A very foggy start with poor visibility has quickly turned into a glorious blue sky.  Despite the fog several Yellow Wagtail were heard in flight over the site, and the hedgerows are filled with Chiffchaff and Blackcap.   South Lake Hides Birds on t

13 September 2018

Wednesday's sightings

Wednesday's sightings

Its a dull overcast morning with a slight drizzle in the air, but the weather looks set to improve ready for the weekend and our Severn Wader Festival.  Find out more about the event here.  Work will continue on the South Lake today as part of our Autum

12 September 2018

Scrapes looking good for the wader festival

Scrapes looking good for the wader festival

Green Sandpiper and a trio of Spotted Redshanks Rushy Hide The juvenile Little-ringed Plover remains and at least 7 Ruff, 1 Green Sandpiper, 3 Redshank and 12 Lapwing were on the lower pond. The Teal flock fluctuates in number as does the top pond wild

11 September 2018

Building tides

Building tides

Dumbles over high tide 210 Curlew roosted and fed in the grassland over high tide with 198 Barnacle Geese and 180+ Greylag Geese. Along the foreshore as the tide rose were 211 Shelduck (96 juveniles, a good breeding season), 1 Common Sandpiper, 1 Avocet,

10 September 2018

Sunday sightings

Sunday sightings

Wild Safaris Flocks of Canada Geese (see above) flying in from the North and heading to our fields. Six Cranes, two Marsh Harriers, 4+ Hobby, 2 Kestrel, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and a Peregrine. Great White Egret on the Severn at low tide with, 8 Pintail, 50

9 September 2018

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

Zeiss Hide Packed with ducks including 32 newly arrived Pintail in there understated eclipse and juvenile plumages. There were 456 Teal, 29 Shoveler but just 3 Wigeon. Waders a little thin on the ground despite the high tide with 4 Black Tailed Godwit an

8 September 2018

Friday's sightings

Friday's sightings

A lovely sunny morning on the reserve with a great selection of birds on offer, not least on the river. Mid Point A small flock of 8 Sanderling were on the mud this morning along with 6 Ringed Plover and 6 Dunlin.  A total of 273 Curlew left the spartina

7 September 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

A couple of new arrivals this morning with the Wigeon flock on the Top New Piece now up to 18 birds.  Also new here were at least 2 juvenile Spotted Redshank.  Three juveniles were flushed by a hunting Peregrine this morning, but this may include the on

6 September 2018

Sunny September morning

Sunny September morning

South Finger filtration beds Little Grebe (see pic), Shoveler, 4 Sedge and 1 Cetti's Warbler from the viewing screen. Tack Piece 120 Teal, a Black-tailed Godwit and a 8 Lapwing on the scrape. Holden Tower Linnets, Goldfinches, juvenile Whitethroat in the

5 September 2018

Ducks are trickling in

Ducks are trickling in

Rushy Hide Seasonal management work continues today and for the rest of the week. A Spotted Redshank was present early morning but was heard flying toward South Lake later. A Snipe, Redshank and 2 Green Sandpiper were also seen. Tack Piece 100+ Teal, 20

4 September 2018

Warblers everywhere

Warblers everywhere

Willow and Knott Hide/Holden Tower bushes, hedge and scrub Very busy with warblers again today, 20+ Blackcap forming the bulk but 5+ Chiffchaff, 3+ Willow Warbler (inc a singing bird), 2+ Garden Warbler, 2+ Lesser Whitethroat, 3+ Common Whitethroat (pict

3 September 2018

Wild Safari raptor action

Wild Safari raptor action

Wild Safaris Two Wild Safaris went out today at the usual times of 1130am and 2pm, we logged 5 Hobby, 2 Marsh Harrier, a Kestrel, a Peregrine harrying a Curlew over the Severn, a Sparrowhawk and a Red Kite, Buzzards were heard in the tall trees. A Great W

2 September 2018