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American Golden Plover and Barred Warbler still

American Golden Plover and Barred Warbler still

The Barred Warbler was still present today, seen in the bushes below the Estuary Tower early morning before relocating to the hedge along the East side of the Pill Box Pool, it was seen from Willow and Knott hides this afternoon. A juvenile American Golde

15 October 2023

Barred Warbler still, and now a Pectoral Sandpiper joins the party

Barred Warbler still, and now a Pectoral Sandpiper joins the party

Another day and another scarce bird, this time its a first-winter Pectoral Sandpiper on the South Lake

12 October 2023

Barred Warbler

Barred Warbler

A reserve first was spotted today, a juvenile/first winter Barred Warbler was very mobile about the hedges and scrub adjacent to the Estuary Tower. It was also seen from the Knott Hide in the hedge above the reedbed (Pillbox pool) and in the hedge between

9 October 2023

American Golden Plover

American Golden Plover

A juvenile American Golden Plover was found this afternoon, it was initially very distant on the Severn at just over a km away and feeding on the sands. The tides are very low but it was enough to move the bird to the Dumbles, it flew overhead at Middle P

8 October 2023

30 September to 3 October  2023 highlights

30 September to 3 October 2023 highlights

The weekend tides didn't disappoint, many species of wader came in off the Severn to roost and feed over the high tide period, the Dumbles flooded overnight on Saturday/Sunday finally re-filling the saltmarsh pools, saltpans and creeks on the Dumbles, man

3 October 2023

High tides and green grass should be a big hit this weekend

High tides and green grass should be a big hit this weekend

Very high tides are forecast for this weekend, the fields are very green, a good sward with good grazing on offer.

28 September 2023

23-25 September sightings and seasonal Rushy work update

23-25 September sightings and seasonal Rushy work update

*Please note-Seasonal work on the Rushy*Following the completion of a couple of days of essential site management tasks in July we are about to enter the latest annual phase of habitat and building maintenance work. The work party resumes on Tuesday 26 Se

25 September 2023

Sightings for Monday 18 September plus seasonal work on the Rushy

Sightings for Monday 18 September plus seasonal work on the Rushy

The low pressure led to slightly higher tides, some of the small waders came into the Top New Piece. Water levels rose sharply overnight following the heavy rains so some waders had changed their feeding sites, the wildfowl certainly enjoyed the feeding b

18 September 2023

Weekend of 16-17 September sightings

Weekend of 16-17 September sightings

A real change in the weather came into effect today, heavy rain and easterly winds with temperatures more akin to the average for this time of year. Highlights included the following.Sunday 17 SeptemberSouth LakeThree Cattle Egret early morning, they were

17 September 2023

A Canteen of Spoonbills

A Canteen of Spoonbills

We currently have at least eight Spoonbill on the reserve - the collective noun being a canteen

15 September 2023

Seasonal work in front of hides continues

Seasonal work in front of hides continues

The annual work cycle to benefit our birds and wildlife and of course watchers continues through the autumn, we will generally be working in one area (except in mid to late October when hedge cutting days will cover the whole reserve). We have 14 hides an

11 September 2023

Ortolan and Temminck's Stint

Ortolan and Temminck's Stint

Ortolan Bunting, a reserve first

3 September 2023

Severn Bore bringing big tides

Severn Bore bringing big tides

This weekend (including today) sees big tides come to the estuary, some of which could completely flood over the Dumbles

1 September 2023

Yellowhammers and Osprey

Yellowhammers and Osprey

Two Yellowhammers opposite the Kingfisher Hide were a lemony treat this morning, it was formerly a winter visitor but is now a scarce passage migrant so any sightings are notable, we wait in hope of them finding the winter passerine survival crops that we

29 August 2023

August Bank holiday weekend highlights

August Bank holiday weekend highlights

Monday 28 AugustRushy Hide/Peng ObservatoryTwo Garganey resting on the shore of top pond island as well as (later in the morning) 4 Spotted Redshank, 6 Snipe, 2 Ruff, 70+ Black-tailed Godwits and 6 Redshanks.Top New PieceLittle Grebe, 2 Grey Heron, 192 Te

28 August 2023