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All roads open. All hides open. Lady Fen trails closed due to crane and swan activity on these wetlands and close to the perimeter trail.

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Welney news

Swan numbers increase sharply!

Swan numbers increase sharply!

Whooper swans by Heather Lowe This week we have witnessed a definite swanfall at Welney.  From less than 100 birds at the start of the week, we now have 2,000 winter visitors, most of which are roosting on the main l

22 October 2016

Crane flock increases in number and becomes more regular on the reserve!

Crane flock increases in number and becomes more regular on the reserve!

Crane family by Jane Rowe Since the start of October the crane flock has grown, so that we now have 17 individuals regularly using the reserve for roosting over night and feeding during the day.  Visitors are getting

13 October 2016

Whoopers have arrived!

Whoopers have arrived!

Great news everyone, whooper swans have arrived at Welney!! There are at least 7 non residents, all having a well derserved rest on Lady Fen. Bring on the swan season!! Also seen today: Wigeon Teal Great White Egret Snipe Ruff Cettis Warbler Pintail Gad

2 October 2016

Reserve access 7-8 October

Reserve access 7-8 October

We are having some major works carried out near the main observatory on Friday 7 October to Saturday 8 October.  This means that there will be no access to the hides from midday on the Friday and for the whole of Saturday. We will be opening up a sign-po

30 September 2016

Marsh harrier with tags spotted

Marsh harrier with tags spotted

Marsh harrier being tagged by Hawk & Owl Trust by Andy Thompson Marsh harriers are seen regularly on our reserve as their favourite hunting grounds are wetlands and reedbeds. A closer look at this individual revea

27 September 2016

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

Crane x 3 - Lyle Hide Temmincks Stint- Friends Little Stint - Friends Greenshank Green Sandpiper Peregrine Falcon Hobby Ruff Little Ringed Plover

4 September 2016

Sigthings Saturday 3rd September

Sigthings Saturday 3rd September

All hides and Summer walk are open apart from Allport hide which remains closed. Temminck's stint Little stint (Both of above can be seen from Lyle hide feeding together this morning) Common sandpiper Greenshank Green sandpiper Little ringed plover Ringed

3 September 2016

Rare sawfly found

Rare sawfly found

Willow sawfly larvae by Annabelle Hammond Earlier this month our volunteer, Annabelle Hammond, found this awesome caterpillar whilst managing some of the willow.  It turned out to be a very rare species called the wi

22 August 2016

Water at Friends pool

Water at Friends pool

Water levels are now back to normal on our Friends pool.  This addition of water over the top of freshly rotivated mud will be a combination that birds will find hard to resist! Plenty of feeding opportunities for hungry travellers, it will be interestin

19 August 2016

House martin & swallow spectacle

House martin & swallow spectacle

The house martins and swallows have had a busy breeding season on the reserve this summer; but it's not over yet! Juveniles from early broods are now feeding on the wing alongside the adults.  They can't roost in the nests as there is not enough room, so

18 August 2016

Reserve management works

Reserve management works

Currently the water levels have been lowered on the pools in front of our Nelson-Lyle, Lyle and Friends hides.  This is to allow the reserve team access to create the prefect conditions for birds passing through in late summer and autumn, as well as bird

15 August 2016

Joy at rare wading bird success

Joy at rare wading bird success

Black-tailed godwit pair fencing by Jon Reeves The successful fledging of eight black-tailed godwit chicks at WWT Welney is the highlight of a brilliant, if at times unusual, breeding season. ‘Gary’ the godwit wit

24 June 2016

New behaviour witnessed for rare wading bird

New behaviour witnessed for rare wading bird

Black-tailed godwit male by Emma Brand Staff monitoring the black-tailed godwits at WWT Welney Wetland Centre; have discovered a male individual with two female partners for the first time. These normally monogamous b

16 June 2016

Bridge ramp maintenance 23-25 May

Bridge ramp maintenance 23-25 May

The ramp at the reserve end of the bridge is being repaired Mon 23 - Wed 25 May.  There will only be access to the reserve via the steps down from the bridge. We apologise for any inconvenience caused, but have scheduled these dates so as to avoid the ba

20 May 2016

Breeding bird surveys begin

Breeding bird surveys begin

Over the next three months the reserve team will be busy recording and monitoring all the breeding bird activity on our wetlands. This morning saw the start of the first breeding bird survey (BBS), and what a wonderful start to the season.  Not a breath

20 April 2016