
"Can do" Kate is a President for WWT's future

Kate Humble today became President of wetland conservation charity, WWT. At the charity’s annual general meeting she promised to be WWT’s most active and most vocal supporter. WWT creates and protects wetlands to help wildlife and people to thri

11 October 2018

African comb ducks.

African comb ducks.

African comb duck or knob-billed duck are a very attractive species, showing stunning feather iridescence and a prominent facial knob! The more dominant the male the larger the comb on his head, and these can grow exceptionally large during their lifespan

10 October 2018



A cracking autumn day with 11,900 Pink-footed Geese counted early morning on site. Increasing numbers of wildfowl using the reserve with plenty more yet to arrive. Two Green Sandpiper flew into Langleys Brook this afternoon, also 20+ Black-tailed Godwit,

10 October 2018

Wednesday's sightings

Wednesday's sightings

A blip in the weather today with temperatures forecast to head over the 20oC mark giving the reserve a more summer like feel.  A Clouded Yellow butterfly flew across the Four Score field near the Kingfisher Hide and several Red Admiral are also still on

10 October 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Whooper swan Greylag Egyptian goose (x2) Shoveler Mallard Gadwall Wigeon Teal Moorhen Grey heron Bittern Little egret Black-tailed godwit Ruff Redshank Snipe Common sandpiper Lapwing Black-headed gull Starling Kingfisher Meadow pipit Pied wagtail Tree spa

10 October 2018

Reserve Update Wednesday 10th October

Reserve Update Wednesday 10th October

Well what a contrast weather wise compared to yesterday, lovely morning on the reserve with a cracking sunrise.  Still large flocks of Barnacle Geese around with them favouring our Corner and Tower fields.  Newfield hide is also a good spot to watch the

10 October 2018

Wildlife sightings for 10th October 2018

Wildlife sightings for 10th October 2018

1 Jack Snipe - grazing marsh 10 Snipe - grazing marsh, main lake 2 Redwing - over W 2 Linnet - over W 3 Siskin - over S 2 Chiffchaff - entrance lake 1 Peregrine - charing cross hospital ledge September/October bird highlights: Shelduck, Green Sandpiper, C

10 October 2018

Vote Cambodia! Help save precious wetlands

Vote Cambodia! Help save precious wetlands

The chance to help Cambodia’s endangered wetlands is open to a public vote. In just 15 years, half of Cambodia’s wetlands have disappeared. Bergans of Norway has kindly nominated WWT’s project to save two of the last natural seasonal wetlands in th

9 October 2018

Sightings for Tuesday 9th October

Sightings for Tuesday 9th October

Warm and Sunny day here at Welney today lots of butterflies on the wing as well as dragonflies:   Sightings today: Mute swan Whooper swan Common crane (31) Greylag goose Mallard Shoveler Teal Wigeon Moorhen Cormorant Great Egret Black-tailed godwit D

9 October 2018

Recent sightings 6th-9th October

Recent sightings 6th-9th October

  British Steel Hide Our birds of prey are still active around the salt marshes, with a Peregrine and two Marsh Harriers being spotted by the Osprey post and over the Dafen Scrapes. There are also range of ducks to be seen here, with Shoveler and She

9 October 2018

Wildlife sightings for 9th October 2018

Wildlife sightings for 9th October 2018

1 Jack Snipe - grazing marsh 3 Common Snipe - grazing marsh 3 Meadow Pipit -  grazing marsh 1 Stonechat - grazing marsh fence line 1 Sky Lark - flew over heading West 4 Chiffchaff - sheltered lagoon, wildside 1 Peregrine - grazing marsh September/October

9 October 2018

Whoopers increase

Whoopers increase

A flock of 107 Whooper Swan were seen near the reserve containing 10 juveniles. Whooper Swan (and Pink-feet) feeding on stubble. (Louise Clewley WWT)   Last blast of summer? Pink

9 October 2018

Wildlife sightings - 09/10/18

Wildlife sightings - 09/10/18

Wader Lake (AM, low tide): Black-tailed godwit 2 Lapwing 4 Redshank 2 Stock dove 1 Curlew 1 Teal 15   Saline lagoon (AM, low tide): Teal 6 Woodpigeon 27 Jay 1 Buzzard (over reedbed) 1 Sparrowhawk (over reedbed) 1   Hawthorn Wood feeding station:

9 October 2018

Reserve Update Tuesday 9th October - Pintail on Folly Pond

Reserve Update Tuesday 9th October - Pintail on Folly Pond

Another (very) blustery morning which has mixed things up a bit on the reserve.  There is evidence of coastal flooding outside Saltcot Merse Observatory which has drawn in the Lapwing for feeding.  With today's high tide it could be interesting down the

9 October 2018

Big tides

Big tides

Holden Tower The Marsh Harrier was hunting over the spartina island for a prolonged spell over the very high tide. Peregrine and 4 Buzzards did their best to stir things up. The 10 Grey Plover flew in again. A roost of 278 Curlew and 278 Shelduck, 3 Dunl

9 October 2018