The Conservative Manifesto
committed the Government to
develop ‘a 25 Year Plan to restore
the UK’s biodiversity, and to
ensure that both public and private
investment in the environment is
directed where we need it most’.
To realise such a high ambition,
the plan will need the support of the
public. It should be understood and
valued by communities across the
country: the businesses that depend
on nature, the families who enjoy it,
and the parents concerned for the
wellbeing of the next generation.
At WWT, we asked some of our
members what they would like to
see in the plan. The first replies
have been inspiring, challenging
and uplifting and they have helped
to inform this report. Thanks to our
members for their contributions.
If the Government publishes a
plan quietly, without consulting
the public on their priorities and
aspirations, the plan is unlikely to
achieve its transformational aim.
The Government has signalled that
the watchwords of the plan will be
openness and localism: with that
in mind, our first recommendation
to Government is to make sure
that the communities that care
about nature can be part of the
production of the plan.
Over the months to come, we will
continue to work with our members
and the public to help inform the
plan. We hope that Government
will do the same and ensure
that everyone can have a say in
developing a plan for which there
is so much at stake.