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In this report, we make the following

main recommendations:



Commit to a 25 year environment plan, with open public and

Parliamentary consultation

Regularly update both Houses and relevant Committees on progress

with the plan

Seek cross-party consensus and establish key components of the plan

in legislation



Introduce an annual Natural Wealth Statement to account for

our natural capital

Set a suite of natural environment objectives and milestones for delivery,

including creating 100,000 hectares of new wetlands by 2040

Establish a Natural Wealth Fund, capitalised by a levy on exploitation of

non-renewable natural assets, to fund future investment in natural wealth



Establish guidance and accreditation for recognised green

prescription providers

Set equitable access to natural greenspace standards as a planning

objective for local authorities

Require sustainable drainage in all new developments and publish

a national sustainable drainage retrofit strategy



Ensure UK environmental protection is as strong or stronger

in our new relationship with the EU

Strengthen international collaboration and leadership on biodiversity

and climate change

Account for the impacts of UK consumption on the environment in

other countries



Appoint catchment commissioners, with powers of mapping,

coordinating and commissioning

Release the data sets required for multi-habitat, multi-benefit ecological

opportunity mapping

Ring-fence £175 million of new flood funding for investment in natural

capital assets