One generation ago, in 1992, global leaders proclaimed
the Rio Declaration on sustainable development. In the
same year, they agreed the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change. These high-level
agreements have changed the world, in particular helping
to clean up energy production.
Now the UK Government is setting out an Environment
Plan for the next 25 years. I am delighted to support that
ambitious aim, which should help to transcend the short-
termism of politics and day-to-day living, to make sure that
our country is a wonderful, wildlife-rich place to live.
At WWT, in our 70th anniversary year, we are also setting
out our own plans for the next 25 years. There are so
many aspects of our natural world that are continually
damaged—our water, our wetlands, our wildlife—that
ensuring a country rich in nature in 2040 will need some
truly inspiring leadership.
In this report, we offer our recommendations to
Government for its plan. There are many other areas
to work on—invasive species, diffuse pollution, and
lead ammunition to name but a few—but here we offer
our thoughts on the most transformative, affordable
and feasible changes to benefit nature in the heart of
England’s towns and cities, across the countryside and
coastlines, and around the world.
The world can change
so much in 25 years.
Photo Credit: Teri Pengilley