Latest sightings

Little Ringed Plover & Common Tern on nests

Little Ringed Plover & Common Tern on nests

Swifts a plenty over our main lake

28 May 2019

Influx of Swifts over the reserve and Ringed Plover feeding

Influx of Swifts over the reserve and Ringed Plover feeding

50 Swift feeding over the lakes this morning, and a Ringed Plover flew in to join the Little Ringed Plovers

27 May 2019

Little Ringed Plover pair showing well

Little Ringed Plover pair showing well

2 Little Ringed Plover, Redshank and screaming Swifts all showing well on site this morning.

26 May 2019

Little Egret on the wader scrape

Little Egret on the wader scrape

Common Terns & Little Ringed Plover in good view today

25 May 2019

Common Terns nesting

Common Terns nesting

A pair of Common Terns are starting to nest on the reservoir lagoon islands, among a few pairs of breeding Black-headed Gull

24 May 2019

Little Ringed Plovers nesting

Little Ringed Plovers nesting

There are two pairs of Little Ringed Plover on the reserve, and one pair has a nest with three eggs on the wader scrape. Lapwings and Redshanks also nesting on the scrape and marsh.

23 May 2019

Spotted Flycatcher in wildside

Spotted Flycatcher in wildside

Spotted Flycatcher feeding in wildside this morning. Dunlin and Little Ringed Plovers by Dulverton Hide. Hobby hunting over the wader scrape and main lake

22 May 2019

Greenshank & 2 pairs of Little Ringed Plover on the reserve

Greenshank & 2 pairs of Little Ringed Plover on the reserve

Greenshank, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Redshank and Lapwing Juveniles on site

21 May 2019

Hobby hunting over the wader scrape

Hobby hunting over the wader scrape

Hobby, Little Ringed Plover, Redshank and Lapwing juveniles all spotted on the scrape

20 May 2019

Blue-headed Wagtail on the grazing marsh

Blue-headed Wagtail on the grazing marsh

Blue-headed Wagtail on the grazing marsh and a good variety of waders.

19 May 2019

Common Sandpipers feeding on our main lake

Common Sandpipers feeding on our main lake

Lesser Whitethroat singing in wildside

18 May 2019

Waders on the deck & Swifts in the sky

Waders on the deck & Swifts in the sky

Also good views of Common Terns fishing on our main lake this morning

17 May 2019

Turnstone on the main lake

Turnstone on the main lake

A stunning summer plumage Turnstone on the main lake this morning.

16 May 2019

Good selection of waders showing well

Good selection of waders showing well

Greenshank, Ringed Plover, 4 Little Ringed Plover and 2 Common Sandpiper among the waders on site this morning.

15 May 2019

Common Sandpiper & Little Ringed Plover on the reserve today

Common Sandpiper & Little Ringed Plover on the reserve today

Common Tern and Wheatear also seen this morning along with a Whimbrel

14 May 2019