Latest sightings

Whooper Counts

Whooper Counts

Biggest count of the winter so far with 1800+ Whooper Swan. Some of this group were also aged and brood sizes recorded. There were 1094 adults with 168 juveniles. Forty one pairs had one juvenile, 31 [...]

18 January 2012

Some Counts

Some Counts

Assorted recent wildfowl counts included; 269 Pintail, 980 Wigeon, 96 Pochard, 16 Tufted Duck,10 Shoveler and 3 Goldeneye. A single Bewick's Swan again this morning on the back of the Mere and [...]

17 January 2012

Winter Sunshine

Winter Sunshine

Another glorious day, dawn till dusk sunshine and windless too. A brilliant day for the photographers amongst you. At least 3 European White-fronted Geese this morning. Most of the geese were off [...]

16 January 2012

Tundra Bean Geese Record

Tundra Bean Geese Record

A record count of 10 Tundra Bean Geese flew in with 42 European White-fronted Geese and Pinks around 10:30 and were still present 11:30 viewable from the Ron Barker Hide. Merlin was also a new add [...]

15 January 2012

Top Winter Birding

Top Winter Birding

Glorious winters day, the first in a long time with sub zero conditions and some ice formation around the edge of the Mere. The calm weather also meant a wildfowl pack mere with thousands of Teal, Wig [...]

14 January 2012

Bullfinch (mega)

Bullfinch (mega)

A male Bullfinch was photographed along the path leading to the United Utilities hide this morning, and feeders in front of the Janet Kear hide hosted a range of species, including the long-staying (n [...]

13 January 2012

Year List

Year List

A new species for the year in the shape of two Oystercatcher. It was unlikely that we would miss this large (noisy) wader as a few pairs breed on site and spring passage numbers regularly top 100. The [...]

11 January 2012

Bewick's Swan and Green winged Teal

Bewick's Swan and Green winged Teal

A single Bewick's swan spent the day mainly asleep on the far side of the Mere again as it did yesterday, this is only the 5th day of the winter Bewick's have been recorded, and the last 3 day [...]

10 January 2012

Short eared Owl

Short eared Owl

A Short eared Owl and a Bewick's Swan were the best birds of the day, the Owl was seen by several observers while they were watching a Barn Owl hunting during the day, while the Bewick's Swan, [...]

9 January 2012

Bewick's Swans

Bewick's Swans

The 2 Bewick's Swans seen late afternoon were the birds of the day, the species is getting harder and harder to see on site as the years go by. In the early days of Martin Mere Bewick's often [...]

8 January 2012

White fronted Geese

White fronted Geese

A small group of several White fronted geese seen this morning, failed to reappear after being flushed, but, good numbers of pink footed geese. 1700 Whooper Swans continue to use the reserve everyday [...]

7 January 2012

White-fronts drop in

White-fronts drop in

A calm day with the reserve jam packed with birds. Forty three European White-fronted Geese (31 adults & 12 first winter birds) dropped in on Plover field early afternoon viewed from UU hide, also [...]

6 January 2012



At least 40 European White-fronted Geese dropped in early afternoon, joining 300+ Greylag grazing around the Mere. Locally all the Greylag Geese are assumed to be feral birds, although historically [...]

5 January 2012

A Wild One

A Wild One

Another wild one weather wise today, thankfully the forecast for the next few days is looking much more sensible with dropping winds and no rain showers closer to the weekend. No seabirds reported tod [...]

4 January 2012

Hen Harrier

Hen Harrier

A very stormy day resulting in most birds trying to find shelter from the very strong winds, the sight of Raven, Marsh Harrier and Buzzard all sat on the ground next to Greylag Geese trying to get out [...]

3 January 2012