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Mini wader fest

Mini wader fest

The Top New Piece is the best birding spot today, with a host of waders on offer

16 June 2022

Avocets keep trying

Avocets keep trying

Despite a high level of predation the nesting Avocets are persistent, new nests appearing where they haven't nested so far this year.

12 June 2022

Here comes the summer

Here comes the summer

June can sometimes be seen as the birding doldrums, but the reserve is still filled with life and birdsong.

10 June 2022

Orchids at their best

Orchids at their best

Spikes and pink and purple are now popping up all over the reserve, and through the grounds - but how many species can you find?

8 June 2022



A mid year Osprey passed over the reserve at 12.30-12.35pm, most likely to be wandering young bird with no particular rush to get North or South. It was very successful in creating a commotion on South Lake with Oystercatchers pursuing it for a time.Kingf

6 June 2022

Sunday 5 June

Sunday 5 June

The tail end of Spring passage continues, an increase in Black-tailed Godwit (pictured) numbers to 105 and another great flurry of Arctic bound waders on the Severn today.Kingfisher HideThe Barn Owl pair which took up residence in the nest box have been a

5 June 2022

Friday birding

Friday birding

The extra long Bank Holiday weekend continues today, with the reserve bathed in glorious sunshine

3 June 2022

A busy pair of Cuckoo

A busy pair of Cuckoo

A male Cuckoo was busy singing and patrolling the South Finger Reedbed this morning, whilst a female was around the settling pond on the look out for nests and giving her own bubbling call

2 June 2022

Crane family updates

Crane family updates

With two chicks now hatched from the nest on the South Lake, we now have eight Crane chicks across the reserve!

1 June 2022

Passage and breeding waders

Passage and breeding waders

As we reach the end of May the migration has slowed but certainly isn't over as proven today. The estuary provided the most interest for species that stop off to rest and feed before moving on. The wader scrapes are dominated by Avocets, the breeding wade

30 May 2022

Red Kites are about

Red Kites are about

Perhaps six or more Red Kites were noted over the site today.

29 May 2022

Arctic bound waders stopping off on the Severn

Arctic bound waders stopping off on the Severn

The mud on the Severn is still providing feeding opportunities for many species of wading birds, modest numbers can be seen on the mudflats throughout the day, they can come and go, a passing raptor or desire to feed over the mud shelf for awhile can mean

24 May 2022

Curlew Sandpiper

Curlew Sandpiper

Another 'pulse' of waders on the Severn today included a fine breeding plumage Curlew Sandpiper. Middle PointTwo Spoonbill, 2 Little Egret, 2 Avocet, breeding plumage Turnstone, 95 Ringed Plover, 29 Sanderling, Curlew Sandpiper, 63 Dunlin, 3 Whimbrel, Oys

23 May 2022

Painted Lady butterflies arriving in numbers

Painted Lady butterflies arriving in numbers

Double figures of Painted Lady Butterflies on the Wild Safaris today.

22 May 2022

High tide goodies continue

High tide goodies continue

Today's high tide is around 12noon, with a good variety of waders and other species on offer as the waters' rose.

20 May 2022