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Latest sightings

Terns and Great Skua

Terns and Great Skua

The rain and overcast conditions dropped in a few passage birds today, a distant and due to the conditions, rather tricky to study flock of 45 Common/Arctic Terns were settling on the mudflats and pools off Middle Point, at least two Black Tern accompani

14 September 2021

Eclipse is over for some

Eclipse is over for some

Many of the drake Gadwall (pictured) have now completed the moult from eclipse plumage, this is when they replace feathers to become camouflaged during the flightless period. Fresh smart feathers mean they are looking great, this enables them to show off

13 September 2021

Passage Avocets

Passage Avocets

Our breeding Avocet numbers was down to the last two or three juveniles about the scrapes but a flock of 28 came in on the high tide this morning. A flock of 120+ Dunlin and 41+ Ringed Plover also held two Sanderling, two Little Stint and 2 Curlew Sandpip

12 September 2021

A great day's birding

A great day's birding

A busy reserve today with lots of species to catch up with from the hides

10 September 2021

Look out for the Bittern

Look out for the Bittern

The Bittern has been showing well again at the Zeiss Hide today

9 September 2021

Bluethroat and Glossy Ibis

Bluethroat and Glossy Ibis

Middle PointThe male Bluethroat was seen briefly at 08.20am. Also Reed Buntings, a Sedge Warbler, Kestrel and 3 Great Spotted Woodpeckers.Image courtesy of Paul Taylor via Twitter.Rushy Four Greenshank, 4 Ruff, 7 Blackwit with 150 Teal. Tack PieceTwo Ruff

7 September 2021

Bluethroat !

Bluethroat !

BluethroatA quick check of Middle Point whilst passing this morning revealed a few passerines, two Whinchat were being harassed by Reed buntings, a couple of Reed Warblers were calling, two Blue Tit and a Chiffchaff fed in the reeds but best of all was a

6 September 2021

Bittern on Wild Safari

Bittern on Wild Safari

Wild SafarisOne or two Hobby, a few Kestrels and a Bittern on both the morning and afternoon trips, the latter a confiding bird oblivious to the Landrover and trailer, the immature Spoonbill and 6 Avocet were feeding on the Severn also a Spotted Flycatche

5 September 2021

Waders and warblers

Waders and warblers

It has been a busy morning for migrating waders and warblers

3 September 2021

Winter is coming

Winter is coming

There is a chill in the air and our first winter arrivals are starting to appear

2 September 2021

New-in Spotted Redshanks and Pintail

New-in Spotted Redshanks and Pintail

Top New PieceTwo 'new-in' juvenile Spotted Redshank (four on site today), 5 juvenile Ruff, Green Sandpiper, 420 Teal, 20 Wigeon, 12 Shoveler and 1 Pintail. Bottom New PiecePair of Cranes.Pill Box Pool (from Knott Hide and Estuary Tower)Juvenile islandica

31 August 2021

August Bank Holiday morning rounds

August Bank Holiday morning rounds

South LakeNine juvenile Ruff and 10 adults (25 on site today but very mobile), two adult Spotted Redshank 'fishing' together, a very mobile juvenile Greenshank, 2 Green Sandpiper, 1 Avocet, 2 Snipe, 48 Lapwing, 71 Black-tailed Godwit, 60 Teal, 15 Pied Wag

30 August 2021

Sunday 29 August

Sunday 29 August

Tack Piece47 Teal, 5 Gadwall and a Redshank. Martin Smith HideFemale Wigeon with Gadwall and Mallard. Rushy80 Black-tailed Godwit ( 3 juv), 11 Ruff (2 juv), 15 Redshank, 2 Snipe, 4 Avocet, 4 Wigeon, 8 Pied Wagtail + Shelduck, Mallard and Lapwing.Middle Po

29 August 2021

25 August- our first returning Pintails

25 August- our first returning Pintails

Following a breeding season in the Arctic, three Northern Pintail have returned to the reserve

25 August 2021

24 August WeBS Count-Curlew Sandpipers!

24 August WeBS Count-Curlew Sandpipers!

Our first juvenile Curlew Sandpiper of the year arrived today.

24 August 2021