Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Fri 6 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Bird News

Bird News

Up to 2 kingfishers were showing well from the Ron Barker hide, where 20+ Black-tailed Godwits, 2 Little Ringed Plovers were amonngst the waders present. Also from the Ron Barker hide, a pair of Ravens were feeding a single juvenile, and Kestrel, Sparrowh

29 July 2016

Changing Waders

Changing Waders

Fresher condition and the odd shower from the weekend starting to produce more waders today. Lapwing numbers are over 500 although two Peregrine hunting flushed some off the reserve this afternoon. They'll be back (Lapwings and the Peregrines!) At least 2

25 July 2016



A good raptor day with 5 species recorded. Hobby hawking for insects high to the right of the Ron Barker Hide. An immature male Marsh Harrier was mobbed by 3 Raven, at least 3 Common Buzzard, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk today. Barn Owl roosting in the barn op

23 July 2016

Green Sandpipers

Green Sandpipers

A brief summary. Green Sandpipers (2) still showing well from the Hale Hide. Plenty of waders to be seen tucked away across the reserve although without a telescope some of the viewing will be limited. Marsh Harrier was the pick of the raptors, hunting on

22 July 2016

Bird News

Bird News

Waders continue to dominate the bird reports from around the reserve - a single Golden Plover in breeding plumage from the United Utilities hide this morning was unusual for this time of year. 2 male Ruff were on Vinsons as were several Redshanks, Ringed,

20 July 2016

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Warm weather setting in for the next couple of days. Generally this tends to produce a 'doldrum' in terms of sightings reports although it might be some encouragement for local Hobbies to visit the reserve? The warmth should be good for sightings of butte

18 July 2016

Latest Highlights

Latest Highlights

Sightings from the past few day. Bird of the week has to go to a Green Woodpecker seen in flight near the Canoe Safari around midday Saturday. It is only the second confirmed record for the reserve. More waders passing through the reserve, with a Whimbrel

16 July 2016

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Starting off with waders with 1+ Green Sandpiper being seen from the Kingfisher Hide mostly on the pool to the left. A Knot in non breeding plumage on the Mere late afternoon was note worthy. At least 3 Common Sandpiper on the reserve possibly more as bir

13 July 2016

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Mostly murky rain today opening up the prospect of one or two waders dropping in as they make there ways south. Two Green Sandpiper from the Kingfisher Hide this morning and at least one there in the afternoon with a Little Egret close by. Avocet numbers

11 July 2016

Latest Highlights

Latest Highlights

Compilation of the last two day's sightings. Up to 3 Kingfisher showing each day from the Ron Barker Hide. Nice selection of waders around with up to 9 Dunlin, Common Sandpiper, 5 Little Ringed Plover, 150+ Lapwing, 30+ Avocet, 4 Oystercatcher, Ringed Plo

8 July 2016



July can be a quiet month if you just concentrate on 'rare birds', however there is plenty to see around the reserve with 60+ species of bird possible and as we go into summer plenty of dragon/damselfly and butterflies on the wing. Waders are also on the

6 July 2016

Bird News

Bird News

A few signs that autumn is in the air, the Lapwing flock is getting larger by the day, now around 150 birds, also joined by 90+ Black-tailed Godwits on the Mere today. The elusive Green Sandpipers are still around and can be a challenge to find, try looki

5 July 2016

Bird News

Bird News

The Cuckoo's are still being seen, with the last sighting from Ron Barker yesterday, also 1 along Curlew Lane yesterday evening. Little Egrets are still being seen with up to 4 being reported today. The Great Crested Grebes are still on view from Harrier

2 July 2016

Bird news

Bird news

On Wednesday a Yellow Wagtail was in the gravel car park at 5.30pm, also Little Egret still on the reserve with 7 Grey Heron from Harrier Hide. Still 2 Green Sandpiper moving around the reserve, favouring either Ron Barker area or Harrier hide. Signs of w

30 June 2016

Green Sandpipers

Green Sandpipers

Traditional birding wisdom suggest autumn arrives with the returning waders so it's great to see a couple of Green Sandpiper on the reserve! The birds were originally found below the Kingfisher Hide yesterday and were seen today in flight only over Doehyl

28 June 2016