Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Sun 8 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Latest sightings

60 species

60 species

Far more sensible weather wise today making for excellent visibility and general viewing. At any time it fairly easy to top 30 species in less than half a day on the reserve. Add a bit of knowledge and 40-50+ should be on the cards for a full day. Today 6

6 February 2013

Another Wild One

Another Wild One

A viciously cold wind with hail showers made birding on the reserve a challenge today. A Little Egret, probably escaping from the coast, went South over the reserve early on. Two Barn Owl also early in the day. The shelter of the Janet Kear Hide provided

5 February 2013

More waders

More waders

Breezy, which didn't make for showy birds today. Many species keep there heads down in these conditions. Any hopes for a Little Gull arriving in from the coast were dashed, maybe tomorrow. Green-winged Teal was present as usual from the Ron Barker Hide. L

4 February 2013

Bird News

Bird News

A damp cold overcast day. Plenty of birds of course just getting on with it. No specific counts but 1000+ Whooper Swan roosting on the reserve with good numbers present throughout the day. Green-winged Teal on Vinson's Marsh around 12pm. It's regularly se

3 February 2013

Three Bewick's Swan

Three Bewick's Swan

Chilly today with a North Westerly airflow. There seems to be a few more Pink-footed  Geese around as birds start returning from the Norfolk wintering grounds. Only a matter of time before something rarer is found with them. Three adult Bewick's Swan on

2 February 2013

Black-tailed Godwit

Black-tailed Godwit

Great to see a sizable flock of Black-tailed Godwit coming in from the coast. Around 90 birds spent sometime flying in formation over the Mere before coming into land. Peak numbers here can hit 300+ and the majority, if not all are icelandic birds. Other

1 February 2013

99 Species to the end of January

99 Species to the end of January

Great start to 2013 with 99 species of wild bird so far recorded. It's only one off of the record 100 species seen in January 2012. Species number 99 was Corn Bunting seen today but also apparently on the overflow Car Park on Monday. The area around Marti

31 January 2013

New for the year.

New for the year.

First Ringed Plover of the year, three birds roving between, Vinson's and the Mere. Three Oystercatcher, 30+ Ruff and 100+ Lapwing. Most birds were lying low in the windy and occasionally squally conditions. The drake Green-winged Teal again with Eurasian

30 January 2013

Hen Harrier

Hen Harrier

A male (2nd year) Hen Harrier in today, 3 Peregrine, 4+ Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel. Lapwing numbers have crept up to 130, 50+ Ruff, Oystercatcher and a single Black-tailed Godwit was new in. Over 3000 Pink-footed Geese, some close, early on w

29 January 2013

Green-winged Teal

Green-winged Teal

Drake Green-winged Teal on Vinson Marsh from the Ron Barker Hide again today. Woodcock by the Janet Kear Hide. A few more Lapwing with around 50 birds this morning and a single Oystercatcher returning from the coast after the cold snap.

28 January 2013

Bittern new for 2013

Bittern new for 2013

Bittern seen this morning flying to the back of Vinson's from the Ron Barker Hide. The drake Green-winged Teal was also seen in the same area. The wind has broken up the majority of ice across the reserve already so birds like the Green-winged Teal should

27 January 2013

Brambling and a thaw.

Brambling and a thaw.

Four Brambling from the Janet Kear Hide today. A Stoat was seen near by. As we approach spring, feeding opportunities for many birds becomes more difficult so the feeding station round the reserve become very important to the birds that have found them. T

26 January 2013

Winter Birding

Winter Birding

Another chilly one. Nevertheless the local roads are fine and the Nature Trail paths free from ice. A good count of 1370 Whooper Swan on the reserve this morning. Other counts included 340 Pintail, 490 Wigeon, 700 Teal, 27 Gadwall, 55 Pochard, 12 Tufted a

23 January 2013

Common Crane again.

Common Crane again.

The 'elusive' Common Crane dropped onto the reserve late morning but no further sign by 4pm. It was initially viewable on the left hand side marsh from the path approaching the Harrier Hide. Given that Common Crane is nearly 4 feet tall, it's been doing a

22 January 2013

Woodcock again

Woodcock again

Woodcock showed well from the Janet Kear Hide this morning until early afternoon when it was flushed into the undergrowth when the feeders were topped up. Grey Wagtail by the Beaver Enclosure. Always a bird that reacts to hard weather by leaving it's upla

20 January 2013