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Hen Harrier again

Hen Harrier again

Regular readers of the sightings page will know the best time to go birding at Martin Mere  is before, during and after a rain front passes over the reserve. This piece of advice is true of most birding sites but really pays dividends during spring and a

19 February 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A clear and sunny day although the wind did have a nip in it. Yesterday's Avocet or at least 2 of them were present joined by 4 Ringed Plover. Plenty of close views of Ruff to be had, some hinting at a change to breeding plumage. The Lapwings were positiv

17 February 2015

Avocet Return

Avocet Return

It's a sure sign that spring is on it's way with the return of 3 Avocet. Last years birds returned on the 9th February, the earliest ever. So this is back to form and the same date as 2013. These birds will be constantly present now until July. Top bird o

16 February 2015

Latest Sighting

Latest Sighting

Plenty of action over the last few days. Lapwing numbers have increased to ~1200, 48 Oystercatcher, 73 Ruff and 20+ Black-tailed Godwit, 10 Common Snipe and a Woodcock flushed on the Reedbed Walk. Also out on the Reedbed Walk, Cetti's Warbler occasionally

13 February 2015

Ringed Plover

Ringed Plover

Ringed Plover, new for the year. Predicted yesterday while at the very same time one was on islands in front of the Ron Barker Hide. The Oystercatcher numbers increased to 25, 800+ Lapwing, 46 Ruff, 10+ Black-tailed Godwit, Redshank and Golden Plover. Two

10 February 2015



Milder today and a noticeable influx of waders with Dunlin, Redshank, 10 Oystercatcher,  Common Snipe(s), 12+ Black-tailed Godwit, 30+ Ruff and ~ 1000 Lapwing. Any day now we could be expecting the arrival of the first Avocet and Ringed Plover of the yea

9 February 2015

Med Gull

Med Gull

A round up of the weekends sightings. An adult non breeding Mediterranean Gull was present with Black-headed Gulls and is new for 2015. 'Med Gulls' are becoming far more common with double figure breeding pairs in Lancashire. A few Herring Gull and Common

8 February 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Some frosty mornings and blue sky days have made for some excellent birding around the reserve. New for the year 2 Chiffchaff opposite the sewage works. Last year over wintering Chiffchaffs were joined by 2 Siberian Chiffchaff which hung around into March

6 February 2015

Barn Owls

Barn Owls

A hard frost last night leaving most of the Mere frozen this morning, although movement of birds opened up the water between the feeding areas. Langley's Brook remained unfrozen and was packed with Teal and Wigeon. Two Barn Owls early on at least. Peregr

3 February 2015

Willow Tit

Willow Tit

Cold but virtually windless making for good viewing. Bird of the day was a sighting of Willow Tit from the Janet Kear Hide. It's the second sighting of the year which is unusual as birds once arrived tend to be seen regularly until they disappear. Hopeful

2 February 2015

Two Tawny Owl

Two Tawny Owl

Some great views of Tawny Owls again before the Kingfisher Hide in an ivy covered tree to the right of the path. Raptors included 7 Common Buzzard, Marsh Harrier 2 Sparrowhawk and Kestrel. A Redshank joined the usual waders. Two Roe Deer seen from the Ron

31 January 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Another pleasant start to the day, clear with light winds which progressively got stronger throughout the day. Good for raptors with 8 Common Buzzard, Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, 2 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk. Yesterday 2 Merlin hunting a presumed Meadow Pipi

30 January 2015

1720 Whooper Swan

1720 Whooper Swan

Highest count of the winter so far of Whooper Swan with 1720 birds on the reserve this morning. No snow so far. It is unusual for us to get any lying snow in this area. Both Ross's and Bar-headed Goose hanging around with Mallard and Greylag respectively.

29 January 2015

Bird News

Bird News

A wild and windy day with plenty of squally wintery showers and few reports. Oystercatcher numbers are building slowly, with at least 11 around the mere today along with 3 Black-tailed Godwit and 50+ Ruff.  The juv male Peregrine has been seen along with

29 January 2015

Jam Packed

Jam Packed

Slightly milder today, over 1000 Whooper Swan on the reserve with some new birds recently arrived with orange peat stained heads. Regular numbers of Pink-footed Geese coming in to feed on Top Mere. Big numbers of Teal, Wigeon and Shelduck around the reser

25 January 2015