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May Day sightings

May Day sightings

A clear, dry and bright day meant that the majority of the martins and swallows from yesterday had moved on or were feeding high up. Lots of gull movements about the site and estuary but in no particular direction, just young birds wandering. The warmer d

1 May 2023

Swifts in numbers

Swifts in numbers

Lots of hirundines over the site today plus an arrival of Swifts.

30 April 2023

Flying dandelions

Flying dandelions

We've seen a steady passage of Yellow Wagtail today, flying overhead calling as they move north. They're so bright and yellow, in a field they can look like dandelions.

27 April 2023

WeBS Count for Sunday 23 April and migrant and breeding bird update

WeBS Count for Sunday 23 April and migrant and breeding bird update

A busy passage period

25 April 2023

Barwits and Arctic Terns

Barwits and Arctic Terns

Some visible migration

17 April 2023

White and Yellow Wagtails

White and Yellow Wagtails

A few more migrant birds noted today

16 April 2023

Easter Monday sightings

Easter Monday sightings

More incoming migrants about today

10 April 2023

Singing Siberian Chiffchaff

Singing Siberian Chiffchaff

A handful of new migrants today included a singing male Siberian Chiffchaff, a rare Spring record.

9 April 2023

Cranes have laid an egg!

Cranes have laid an egg!

Crane pair 'Oakie and Sherbert' have laid their first egg of the year

4 April 2023

Godwit count creeps up again plus the Green-winged Teal is still here

Godwit count creeps up again plus the Green-winged Teal is still here

Another great count of Black-tailed Godwits- 853 today!

3 April 2023

Record Black-tailed Godwit count?

Record Black-tailed Godwit count?

Another good count of Black-tailed Godwits

2 April 2023

Spring wader migration

Spring wader migration

A few more spring migrant waders on the estuary this morning, including our first Greenshank of the year

31 March 2023

One Swallow doesn't make a summer

One Swallow doesn't make a summer

Whilst the proverb says a single Swallow doesn't make a summer, we're seeing a few today feeding with the Sand Martins across the reserve, but its really just spring arriving

30 March 2023

Next wave of migrants

Next wave of migrants

A few more species arrived on site today

28 March 2023

Breeding wader season underway plus Green-winged Teal

Breeding wader season underway plus Green-winged Teal

A still and sunny morning, great for wader displays.

27 March 2023