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Sunday 16 January sightings

Sunday 16 January sightings

Highlights from around the hides and grounds as follows

16 January 2022

Fogged in

Fogged in

Not much movement for the birds this morning due to the fog, but it has once again burnt off to reveal a glorious sunny day

13 January 2022

Sightings for Tuesday 11 January

Sightings for Tuesday 11 January

Another bird packed day on the reserve

11 January 2022

Scattered White-fronted Geese

Scattered White-fronted Geese

The Russian White-fronted Geese didn't quite know where to feed today, they were noted in many locations but wanted to be in the Ox Piece despite a couple of disturbances from an unknown source.

10 January 2022

Wild Winter Weekend Sunday  sightings

Wild Winter Weekend Sunday sightings

Thank you to everyone that visited, great weather and the birding was good.

9 January 2022

Another chilly start

Another chilly start

Still plenty of action on the reserve today despite the chilly weather

7 January 2022

A cold start to the day

A cold start to the day

Temperatures dropped overnight to below freezing leaving many of the waterbodies around the reserve at least partially frozen

6 January 2022

Glossy Ibis showing well

Glossy Ibis showing well

The Glossy Ibis has now been with us for several days and continues to show very well

3 January 2022

Ringed Plover and Red Knot

Ringed Plover and Red Knot

A few of our scarcer wintering wader species were spotted again today, birds new for the year in bold, we have now recorded 91 species.Glossy IbisThe Glossy Ibis roosted on the reserve, it went out at 07:56am this morning to the entrance road fields to f

2 January 2022

New Years Day list

New Years Day list

List of species recorded today

1 January 2022

140 Russian White-fronted Geese and the Glossy Ibis again

140 Russian White-fronted Geese and the Glossy Ibis again

The Russian White fronted Goose flock numbered 140 today, they are currently favouring the Ox Piece, best to look from the Estuary Tower to view the field. if you scan across the Tack Piece they are in the next field to the NE. At least three Greenland Wh

31 December 2021

Good birding in the mild winter weather

Good birding in the mild winter weather

A Glossy Ibis was flushed from the Rushy by the Marsh Harrier after spending ten minutes here, it flew toward South Lake + 14 Snipe, 1 Avocet and 99 Bewick's Swans this morning. South LakeBusy at the duck marsh with Teal and Shoveler, a few Gadwall and W

30 December 2021

101 Bewick's Swans

101 Bewick's Swans

No dalmatians, just the 101 Bewick's Swans here today

29 December 2021

More new arrivals

More new arrivals

At least ten new Bewick's Swans were on the pond this morning, and the Black-tailed Godwit flock have returned

28 December 2021

Unwanted guests for breakfast

Unwanted guests for breakfast

One of our Peregrines caught breakfast this morning, but was soon joined by two unwelcome dining companions

27 December 2021