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Wet Wet Wet!

Wet Wet Wet!

Rushy HideLittle Ringed Plover 22 cy Med GullTack PieceGreen Sandpiper 1Oystercatcher 2Redshank 1South Lake HideBlack Tailed Godwit 41Oystercatcher 2Avocet 6Shelduck 27Gadwall 12Cormorant 1Lesser Black Backed Gull 2Tufted Duck 6Pochard 1 maleGt. Crested G

7 June 2019

Curlew hope and other news

Curlew hope and other news

It's been quite a day here on the reserve, we've all been busy on various tasks one of which was an wader monitoring session starting early this morning. The forecast was for warmth and sunshine so we planned a survey for the more remote and difficult to

6 June 2019

Lapwing breeding season

Lapwing breeding season

The Lapwing breeding season is nearly at an end, we may yet get a pair nesting late on but the increasing in post breeding flocks signals the conclusion of another nesting season. It's still too early to 'count our chickens (Lapwings) as they need to be f

4 June 2019

Spoonbill on the 'Rushy'

Spoonbill on the 'Rushy'

The second calendar year (hatched last year) Spoonbill paid a visit to the Rushy over high tide this morning, it tends to feed on the Severn estuary at low tide favouring the deeper pools and creeks south of Middle Point. It has been present in the area f

3 June 2019

Avocets everywhere

Avocets everywhere

RushyFantastically busy with 58 Avocets nest building incubating and prospecting for nests, at least 10 incubating birds but as yet no young. Little Ringed Plover pair displaying and nest scraping.Tack PieceGreat close up views of a Little Egret in a supe

1 June 2019

The plot thickens

The plot thickens

This year's story of the Cranes took another turn this morning with a pair possibly reunited.

31 May 2019

Still waiting

Still waiting

We're still waiting to try and work out exactly what is going on with one of our Kingfisher pairs

30 May 2019

More LRP action

More LRP action

There were possibly five Little-ringed Plover on the reserve this morning with plenty of action going on

29 May 2019

Spot the nest

Spot the nest

Spring is moving along quickly with the young of many birds starting to appear, although some birds are only just getting going.

24 May 2019

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Still plenty of birds around, including our first Avocet chicks of the year.

23 May 2019

Scarce Chasers on the wing

Scarce Chasers on the wing

The warm weather has encouraged plenty of damselflies and dragonflies to emerge this week, our first Scarce Chasers were seen yetserday with more appearing today. This male of the this species is blue with both male and female showing bright blue eyes. Wh

21 May 2019

White winged Black Tern

White winged Black Tern

We were very pleased to host a superb breeding plumage White-winged Black Tern (White-winged Tern) on the South Lake. It disappeared for periods, usually heading toward the Tack Piece/Severn estuary and taking a flight line across the Rushy/visitor centre

19 May 2019

Here we go

Here we go

It looks like we've got our timings a little out as the Kingfisher chicks were fledging this morning!

18 May 2019

Imposters in the flock

Imposters in the flock

A nice surprise on the wader scrape at the South Lake this morning with two Bar-tailed Godwits mixed in with the Black-tailed Godwit flock

17 May 2019

LRP displaying

LRP displaying

The pair of Little-ringed Plover have returned to the Rushy and were showing very well this morning, with the male doing his best to impress the female with some dance moves, tail waggles and nest scraping

14 May 2019