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Temminck's Stint

Temminck's Stint

A Temminck's Stint arrive on the Top New Piece today, although the heat haze hampered viewing it could be seen on and off as it crept about on the same island that the Crane pair (Oakie and Sherbert) are nesting on. A few of these small waders have appear

13 May 2019

More wader chicks

More wader chicks

This year our breeding Lapwing population has mainly been on the Dumbles and Top and Bottom New Piece fields, it's quite difficult to keep tabs on the young now the vegetation is so tall but we keep try to keep a close eye on them. Surveys are conducted f

12 May 2019

Sunny spells

Sunny spells

It has been a day where the sun occasionally peeks out from behind the clouds but not a lot has changed in our birds

11 May 2019

A day for Garganey

A day for Garganey

At least four Garganey were seen on the duck survey this morning, two males together from the Kingfisher Hide and a pair elsewhere. It has been a busy week for sightings of the species with drakes being seen on nearly every water body at some point.

10 May 2019

Busy on the estuary

Busy on the estuary

It has been a busy day on the estuary with lots of birds moving around and passing through in between (and during) the showers. A few birds were pushed onto the South Lake, but the estuary held the bulk of the action.

8 May 2019

Spoonbill and Black Tern

Spoonbill and Black Tern

The Spoonbill that arrived yesterday afternoon is still present but very mobile, it has been seen on the Dumbles, Rushy, Middle Point and Top New Piece. A national influx of Black Terns today produced our first of the year, a breeding plumage adult spent

7 May 2019

Early May bank holiday notes

Early May bank holiday notes

Rushy Hide Stoat along the lane (pictured), the second calendar year Mediterranean Gull was being rather boisterous with the Black-headed Gulls again. At least 14 Avocet on the lower pond. The pair of Oystercatcher were nest scraping on the isthmus.Tack P

6 May 2019

Wood Sandpiper new in

Wood Sandpiper new in

Zeiss Hide/Top New PiecePlenty of wader activity here today, ten male and eight female Lapwing present on the field and flood edge, at least three broods were foraging and one nest is still active. A smart newly arrived Wood Sandpiper proved popular on th

5 May 2019

Ruff on the rise

Ruff on the rise

We've seen an increase in the number of Ruff in recent days with a small group of reeves (females) arriving on the reserve.

2 May 2019



At least three Hobby were seen feeding over the reserve today, the warm weather certainly offered them insects to hunt on the wing. Other raptors noted included a Marsh Harrier, Red Kite and a few Buzzards.Dumbles/Top New Piece from Zeiss Hide7 Cranes and

29 April 2019

A flush of godwits

A flush of godwits

We've seen our Black-tailed Godwit numbers drop over the last few days since the peak on Monday, but this afternoon another wave arrived this afternoon bringing us back up to over 600 birds!

19 April 2019

Look out for wagtails

Look out for wagtails

The Reserve Team have been finishing off fencing for a new habitat corridor today that will run along the Tack Piece, and were treated to at least 6 Yellow Wagtails buzzing around with the cattle.

17 April 2019

The VIP godwit

The VIP godwit

It's the time of year when lots of birds are arriving or passing through the reserve on migration, including Black-tailed Godwits. Some of the birds are colour ringed, but this bird caught our eye and turns out to be a VIP!

16 April 2019

First Reed Warbler of the year

First Reed Warbler of the year

Another new arrival for the year with a Reed Warbler singing away in the reedbed below the Zeiss Hide this morning

15 April 2019

Great White Egrets

Great White Egrets

South LakeAvocets 16 busy feedingBlack Tailed Godwit a sleepy flock of 38.Shoveler 22 including some very close birdsPochard a single male on the lake.Great Crested Grebe a very handsome pair.Sand Martin around 20 over the lakeBlackcap and Willow Warbler

14 April 2019