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Arctic Tern

Arctic Tern

Rushy Arctic Tern briefly over the pond at 10.00 heading towards South lake. Avocet 27 prospecting and a gang of 40 Black Tailed Godwit close to the hide. A 2nd summer Med Gull was with the Black Heads.Tack PieceGood views of 15 redshank and a scattering

13 April 2019

Visimig continues

Visimig continues

Another day with birds visibly moving (vismig), the combination of drizzle, low cloud and NE breeze allowed us to witness bird migration. Meadow Pipits dominated the day with 100s passing through all day long. Seven late Redwings were also seen heading ov

9 April 2019

Amazing visible migration

Amazing visible migration

From first light it was clear that a significant movement of birds was on, anyone with the time to watch from a decent vantage point would have logged a large number of birds at WWT Slimbridge today. A variety of species were noted by reserve team members

8 April 2019

Another Marsh Harrier

Another Marsh Harrier

One rather plain looking 'cream crown' Marsh Harrier has been around for a few weeks has briefly been in the company of others that were passing through. A couple of other individuals have been seen but appear to be moving through or staying just for a da

7 April 2019

High Numbers of Black-tailed Godwit

High Numbers of Black-tailed Godwit

At least seven hundred Black-tailed Godwit are on the reserve, a good day for "sea" watching on the river and other sightings from the reserve.

5 April 2019

Grebes display

Grebes display

Our two regular grebe species (Great Crested and Little are now in breeding plumage and establishing territories. The South Lake is the best place to see both as we have a pair and a spare of Great Crested Grebe present. The elaborate weed dance display h

4 April 2019

Another Black-tailed Godwit record count!

Another Black-tailed Godwit record count!

Boy, are we popular with Black-tailed Godwits this early Spring period, the reserve record has again been broken- 737 were logged during a twenty minute counting blitz this morning.Zeiss Hide 16 Avocet, at least 8 Knot, 2 Redshank, 8 Wigeon, Ruff and Sand

3 April 2019

Visible Migration (VisMig) including Osprey

Visible Migration (VisMig) including Osprey

VisMigThe morning was dominated by moving Sand Martins and Swallows with 100s of the former (perhaps 400) heading N and 50 of the latter. Smaller flocks stopped to feed over the lakes, reedbeds and flashes to the end of the day. A Wheatear was seen on the

31 March 2019

Come and see the Kinfishers NOW

Come and see the Kinfishers NOW

Kingfisher HideAnother day packed with action from the Kingfishers, lots of nest building, passing of fish from the male and mating. Wont belong before they start to lay so get here as soon as you can.. Lots of Chiffchaffs singing, a couple of Cettis Warb

30 March 2019

Kingfishers Very Active

Kingfishers Very Active

Kingfisher's being very active currently and other sightings from around the reserve.

29 March 2019

First Willow Warbler of the year

First Willow Warbler of the year

Late news for yesterday- White Stork flew over at 1405hrs!A noticeable increase in Chiffchaff with 20+ birds singing about the site, three singing Blackcap and the sweet sound of the first singing Willow Warbler of 2019. The latter bird has been in the he

26 March 2019

Goodbye White-fronted Geese?

Goodbye White-fronted Geese?

The Eurasian (Russian) White fronted Goose flock has once again been very obliging and provided us with brilliant views for much of the weekend. A fairly clear night with a tail wind is forecast, will our birds take the decision to depart on their way bac

24 March 2019

Holden Towers last high tide

Holden Towers last high tide

Holden TowerFive hours of great birding to say goodbye to the Holden Tower this morning.Built in 1956 the Holden Tower was decades ahead of its times, the first screened approach, the first mega hide the first chance for large numbers of ordinary members

23 March 2019

A busy few days

A busy few days

New in this morning were three Garganey on the South Lake before flying off and relocating on the Tack Piece. The biggest tide of the year covered the Dumbles and reached the seawall and bought a Great Skua back up the river

22 March 2019

Godwits moving on?

Godwits moving on?

This morning's count of Black-tailed Godwits came to 471, the change in weather may have allowed onward migration, some of our 'mega flock' may have opted to go take on the next stage.Some of the highlights from the hide round this morning included...Rush

19 March 2019