Latest sightings

Ring Ouzel (mega)

Ring Ouzel (mega)

With migration now coming into full swing we have been looking with envy at sites (mostly coastal) turning up migrants. This has been particularly true regarding Ring Ouzel. This male (below) was feeding along the boundary of the reserve parallel to the r

14 April 2015

More Spring

More Spring

A couple of new arrivals with Blackcap yesterday (and today) singing along the nature trail and Willow Warbler today with 3 different birds singing around the reserve. We can expect Sedge, Reed and Grasshopper Warbler in the near future. A 3rd year(?) mal

13 April 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Quite a change compared to the previous few days with rain early on and a blustery cool wind throughout the day. A couple of Swallow feeding along Langley's Brook may have been wondering what had happened to the summer like conditions. A limited number of

11 April 2015

Common Sandpiper

Common Sandpiper

Some of the highlights from today include a Common Sandpiper on the Mere all day, also a nice flock of 5 Golden Plover in breeding plumage were in the field opposite the entrance this morning. A group of 10 Corn Bunting feeding in the hedge along the Reed

9 April 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A brief update. A Wheatear along the back of the Mere this morning was new in. At least 4 Mediterranean Gull present today. Two Tawny Owl still showing. Kingfisher from the Ron Barker Hide and unusually the Kingfisher Hide! Over 70 Black-tailed Godwit tod

7 April 2015

Little Gull and House Martin

Little Gull and House Martin

A first summer Little Gull from the Ron Barker Hide this afternoon is a first for the year.   Also new in House Martin. Four adult Med Gull present on the Mere today. Three Little Egret and 6 Grey Heron feeding on the reserve. At least 3 Sand Martin

6 April 2015



First Swallow of the year, two in fact, hinting at warmer times to come! Willow Tit by the Kingfisher Hide this morning. If you see this bird please report it to the in focus shop. Two Tawny Owl today and Barn Owl distantly from the United Utilities Hide.

5 April 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A lovely day out in the sun although still nippy in the hides with a slight northerly. Probably not encouraging the arrival of many migrants although many species will be trickling through perhaps unseen. A few Chiffchaff present in song along the Nature

4 April 2015

In like a Lion, out like a Lion....

In like a Lion, out like a Lion....

A wild and windy couple of days putting pay to any further influx of spring migrants. On saying that a Wheatear was found today on islands from the Harrier Hide, probably taking shelter from the coast! Just over 50 Whooper present today. Shoveler are gett

1 April 2015

French Med Gull

French Med Gull

A fine selection of birds over the past few days. No massive influx of migrants yet some south or south-westerly winds might sort that situation out. At least 3 adult Med Gull present including one colour ringed bird which was ringed in France. More detai

30 March 2015

Bird News

Bird News

Some bird news from yesterday, a ringtail Hen Harrier was reported from UU Hide but no other reports. Also a Little Egret out on Woodend Marsh viewable from UU Hide. A Raven around the Mere yesterday drew close attention from the Black-headed Gull colony,

27 March 2015

Meds & Mink

Meds & Mink

A Spotted Redshank was reported from UU hide today, also several Curlew were using the reserve alone with the usual 75 Ruff, 10 Redshank, 20 Black-tailed Godwit. At least 4 Mediterranean Gulls were around the Mere in the afternoon along with at least 4 Co

25 March 2015



An early morning walk around the boundary of the reserve was productive particularly when you stumble across a fine male Wheatear.                             Corn Bunting are singing

24 March 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Chiffchaff in song in the blossom covered trees next to the in focus shop this morning. Always a pleasure hearing one of the first sounds of spring. Plenty of insects to keep it happy too. Whooper Swan count on the Mere this morning produced 155 birds. A

23 March 2015

House Sparrow!

House Sparrow!

Lovely day out and about in the sun. No recent count but certainly under 300 Whooper Swan on the Mere for most of the day. Generally most of these birds will have left by the first week in April. Far from annually recorded at Martin Mere a female House Sp

21 March 2015