Latest sightings
Severn floods the Dumbles
A very high tide flooded the foreshore and Dumbles, creating perfect conditions for birds, at least 3000 birds were feeding here after tide had dropped. We have an even bigger tide forecast tomorrow. Best place to view is from the Sheperd's Hut hide or fr
29 September 2019
High Tide
A good high tide covered all the mud banks and pushed a lot of waders onto the scrapes. The tide is due to get higher over the next 2 days and may well come over the Dumbles, Top of the tides will be 09.30 tomorrow and 10.15 on Monday.Zeiss HideA great se
28 September 2019
Friday showers
The day has seen showers sweeping up the estuary, some being very heavy. Star birds from the last few days remain plus a stunning male Goshawk hunting Teal from the Zeiss Hide.
27 September 2019
Black Tern still here
The juvenile Black Tern was back on the South Lake this morning, having briefly been seen on the Rushy first thing.
26 September 2019
Not yet Spotted Redshank
The Spotted Redshank was very elusive today, heard first thing over the car park and then later in the morning over the South Lake
25 September 2019
Autumn showers
The weather has certainly broken down with lots of heavy showers, more like what we would associate with a typical autumn. The water is much needed across the reserve but seeing as we still have plenty of wetland creation excavations ongoing and more hay
24 September 2019
Monday sightings
Highlights from the hides and trails includedRushy HideOne Green Sandpiper, 16 Gadwall, 12 Teal, Grey Wagtail, 7 Wigeon + hybrid male, 3 Shoveler, Black-tailed Godwit.Top New Piece/Zeiss Hide1 Avocet, 9 Ruff (inc leg flagged bird), 120 Lapwing, Spotted Re
23 September 2019
Osprey through
An Osprey was seen to arrive from the Severn before heading off inland across the Tack Piece today.Other highlights includedMiddle Point/Severn Estuary127 Wigeon, 16 Pintail, 201 Ringed Plover (many scattered flocks), 86 Dunlin, 103 Red Knot, 256 Curlew,
22 September 2019
Another still September day
The high pressure is keeping things settled here, clear sunny days make for good light and viewing.Rushy HideA couple fo Dunlin were unusual here today and were joined by 2 Snipe, 13 Black-tailed Godwit, 94 Teal and a juvenile Garganey on the lower pond.
18 September 2019
Increase in Teal and Red Knot arrival
A decent sign of autumnal migration this morning with at least 1061 Teal counted on the scrapes. Another notable count involved a large flock of Red Knot with at least 158 coming to the Top New Piece over high tide and another 38 heading in to join them.
16 September 2019
WeBS count and Cattle Egrets again
At least two Cattle Egret remained on site today, one was seen early morning on the South Lake with two again among the Longhorn Cattle on the Top New Piece. The adult Spotted Redshank (pictured) has returned and was on the Tack Piece scrape, we have allo
15 September 2019
A grey start
A rather miserable looking morning but a few nice birds around to brighten things up
11 September 2019
Hen Harrier
Hen HarrierWe are pleased to be hosting a juvenile Hen Harrier this morning, this mobile bird has been seen hunting near to and over Middle Point and has also visited the North end of the reserve, the spartina island and Dumbles foreshore. It was mobbed b
10 September 2019
Spotted Redshank arrive
Two Spotted Redshank have arrived today, one seen and heard arriving from the North as it flew down the etuary and toward the scrapes, an adult and juvenile were locarted on the Rushy but moved to the South Lake where the adult settled in to roost among t
9 September 2019
Good day for raptors
A sunny September day usually leads to numerous raptor sightings, the Wild Safaris proved this to be the case today. 5+ Buzzard, 2+ Hobby, 3+ Kestrel and Sparrowhawk were all seen on the 11:30am-1pm session. We also logged a Great White Egret, 2 Little Eg
8 September 2019