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The next storm

The next storm

It was a rather windy start this morning with rain moving in too. Robbie Garnett Hide Several hundred Wigeon and Teal plus Pintail and Shoveler. At least 5 Redshank amongst the duck and 52 Curlew feeding near the Wigeon. . South Lake Hides 78 Pochard, 55

18 December 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

There is still a bit of a chill in the air but things are definitely a bit warmer than of late.  A couple of new Bewick's Swans were on the Rushy this morning with at least 82 birds on the reserve today in total. Don't forget to check out our Wild Winter

17 December 2018

A good day for Water Rails

A good day for Water Rails

South Lake The Discovery Hide is a good place to catch up with a variety of gull species although Great Black-backed Gull (pictured with fish remains) isn't too regular a visitor, this species is often found on the Top New Piece or Dumbles or on the Sev

16 December 2018

More Bewick`s and Whitefront`s

More Bewick`s and Whitefront`s

Rushy A steady arrival of new Bewick`s Swans over the past two days and again last night. At least 82 on site including a new family with one youngster. Still some lingering ice so top pond very busy with Tufted Duck 210, Pochard 21, Pintail 51 and Teal 9

15 December 2018

Close to 100

Close to 100

There has definitely been an increase in the White-fronted Goose flock over the last couple of days with 97 birds counted this morning in the north of the reserve, so fingers crossed there are some hiding in the south to take us into three-figures. Holden

14 December 2018

More White-fronts

More White-fronts

A chill in the air and an easterly(ish) airflow has bought some arrivals this morning with White-fronted Geese increasing to either 78 birds or maybe 89, with a flock of 11 seen flying in over the river and landing on the Tack Piece after this morning's c

13 December 2018

Monday sightings

Monday sightings

Holden Tower The Great Skua was seen on the estuary again today. At least 10 Cranes and two Peregrine were also present on the Dumbles. 10 Redwing and 25 Fieldfare flew from the hedges this morning with Reed Bunting also in the same area. The Barnacle Gee

10 December 2018

Bonxie alert!

Bonxie alert!

A Great Skua (or Bonxie) flew through the Top New Piece and passed very close to the Zeiss Hide this morning. It flushed all the birds on the flood and field and the Great Black-backed Gull roost as it headed back out. It was relocated off Frampton on S

9 December 2018

8th December 2018 Sightings.

8th December 2018 Sightings.

Rushy At least 47 Bewick`s overnight combined With hundreds of Ducks and Geese is creating quite a spectacle on the 4pm feeds and the floodlit evening swan suppers a great time to come and see this spectacle. Some 16 Snipe along the left hand edge of the

8 December 2018



A Great Skua was a surprise this morning, first seen over the seawall at the Top New Piece buzzing ducks before turning tail and heading out over the Dumbles to the river, making it as far up as Mid Point before turning again and flying downstream and eve

7 December 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Zeiss Hide The Top New Piece remains the place to be but with flocks very flighty in the wind.  Totals included around 1000+ Lapwing, 23 Golden Plover, 9 Black-tailed Godwit, 150+ Dunlin (inc bird with leucistic head pattern), 15 Redshank, 18 Ruff, 27 Pi

6 December 2018

Wednesday sightings

Wednesday sightings

Lapwing (MJM). Rushy Hide 43 Bewick's Swans present at dawn with many of them feeding on roots in the puddles on the flower meadow. 10+ Snipe were well camouflaged along the west shore of the lower pond with Redshank and varying numbers of Lapwing prese

5 December 2018

Busy Top and Bottom New Piece

Busy Top and Bottom New Piece

Oystercatcher and Lapwing on the Big Pen lawn The Bewick's Swan 'Indri' still resides on the Big pen pond, we don't always report as it's virtually guaranteed to be present. The waders are appreciative of the mild, wet conditions as it's easier to loca

4 December 2018

Return of Oystercatcher and Dunlin in breeding plumage

Return of Oystercatcher and Dunlin in breeding plumage

Bewick's Swans and Tack Piece water levels The 11 that had built up over recent weeks at Blagdon and Chew Valley Lakes (South of Bristol) arrived here today, this includes the two cygnets, we now have families of 1, 2 and 3 present. The total number of s

2 December 2018

Excellent Crane watching

Excellent Crane watching

Holden Tower Crane 16 on the Dumbles including all 3 juveniles and the 2 un-ringed birds. Peregrine 2 adults on the cross fence. Teal 70 in the Holden Scrape which is beginning to hold some water. Willow Hide Water Rail 3 showing very well at feeders. Tac

1 December 2018