Latest sightings

Take your pick from our autumn feast of bird watching

Take your pick from our autumn feast of bird watching

The mild conditions of the last week have certainly been very busy in terms of the bird groups arriving on site. Some brilliant autumn birds are passing through, with flocks of Fieldfares and Redwings a constant sight and sound around the reserve. Birds o

31 October 2011

Bird News

Bird News

More raptor action with 4 Marsh Harrier again giving excellent views around the reserve. Peregrine, 2 Kestrel, at least 4 Common Buzzard and Sparrowhawk. Plenty of wildfowl building in numbers tho [...]

31 October 2011

More Autumn Magic

More Autumn Magic

Another very pleasant day on the reserve, mild with light winds. Ideal conditions for viewing raptors with sightings so far today including 4 Marsh Harrier, 5+ Common Buzzard, 3 Sparrowhawk, Peregrine [...]

30 October 2011

Hen Harrier

Hen Harrier

A ringtail Hen Harrier  was seen by a few observers this afternoon, also at least 2 Marsh Harrier, 2 Peregrine, 2 Sparrowhawk and several Common Buzzard. A male Brambling and a Willow Tit were se [...]

29 October 2011

Bird News

Bird News

A Willow Tit, presumably the bird which is normally seen in front of the Janet Kear hide was on the In Focus feeder this morning, but moved back to it's usual haunt later in the day. A Kingfisher [...]

28 October 2011

Bird News

Bird News

Over 10,000 Pink-footed Geese on the reserve today, along with around 500 Whooper Swans providing the big numbers, but a good selection of other birds was recorded. These included over 50 Ruff, a sing [...]

27 October 2011

Surprise Surprise!

Surprise Surprise!

Much to my delight there were 500 Whooper Swans on site on Tuesday (18th) 350 more than the count of 150 the morning before. So I grab the bins and the scope and started counting not only the numbers of birds but also the number of cygnets and the brood

26 October 2011

The story from Martin Mere so far...

The story from Martin Mere so far...

We’ve seen over 8,000 pink-footed geese arrive, and 50 whooper swans, which is less than last year due to the hot weather but numbers are now beginning to rise. We hope to see up to 2,000 whoopers by mid November.

19 October 2011