Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Sun 8 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Latest sightings

Breeding plumage Ruff

Breeding plumage Ruff

Now is a very good time to come and look at Ruff coming into breeding plumage. There are at least 40 birds present with one or two males now approaching full breeding plumage and many following on. Likewise with the Black-tailed Godwit. The godwit are gen

3 April 2013

Bewick's again

Bewick's again

Four Bewick's Swan (2 adult+2 juv) flew in with ~ 50 Whooper Swan early afternoon. Some small flocks of Wigeon were looking nervous as a pair of Greater Black-backed Gull roamed around looking for there next meal. Raptors included the ever present Common

2 April 2013

Marsh Harrier

Marsh Harrier

First 'spring' Marsh Harrier, a female type early on. Common Buzzards are active and a scan of the surrounding area can produce 6+ birds. Other reported raptors were Peregrine, 2 Sparrowhawk and 2 Kestrel. Around 120 Whooper Swan still in the surrounding

1 April 2013

Med Gull and other birds

Med Gull and other birds

Another pleasant day in the sun, if a little chilly out of it! As with most places in Lancashire we are leaving March without seeing a Sand Martin for the first time since the reserve opened over 30 years ago. A second summer Med Gull spent a few hours wi

31 March 2013

Bewick's Swans again.

Bewick's Swans again.

Just as we'd expect to be posting about more spring arrivals it's the last of the wintering birds that are grabbing the headlines. Four Bewick's Swan (two adult and two juvenile) flew in onto the Mere with ~130 Whooper Swan early afternoon. Still plenty o

26 March 2013

Less Whoopers more species?

Less Whoopers more species?

With the Mere now down at it's summer water levels the number of Whooper Swan spending time during the day on the reserve has dropped back considerably. As it happens a count in the local vicinity (Marsh Moss Lane) produced 440 Whoopers and 2 Bewick's Swa

25 March 2013

Brass Monkey looking for lost property...

Brass Monkey looking for lost property...

Looking out on the Mere today watching a thousand or so assorted waders and wildfowl going about their business, and marveling how seemingly unaffected most were by the bitter easterlies strafing the reserve. Two Common Buzzard were coming in close by the

23 March 2013

Bewick's Swan again

Bewick's Swan again

Two Bewick's Swan appeared again late afternoon on the mere among 270 Whooper Swan, for the second day running, late afternoon (4-5pm) tomorrow stands a good chance of seeing them. Still c300 Pink-footed Goose around today as well. Still a bit of a wader

21 March 2013

Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox

Spring starts here as the days become longer than the nights and although the temperatures are below average for this time of year there are plenty of signs of spring in progress. Bird of the day goes to an early Swallow (Barn Swallow if you like) perched

20 March 2013

More Waders

More Waders

More Avocet today with a count 86 mostly from the Ron Barker Hide. A flock of 10 Golden Plover dropped in briefly. further wader counts included 88 Ruff, 80 Oystercatcher, 300+ Lapwing, 28 Black-tailed Godwit, 11 Redshank, 4 Ringed Plover and Dunlin. Two

19 March 2013

Chiffchaff arrives

Chiffchaff arrives

First Chiffchaff of the spring near the Janet Kear Hide. Seen but not heard, probably saving it's vocal chords for slightly warmer conditions, although as it happens it was quite pleasant in the sun today. In the same area a male Blackcap was present, Nut

18 March 2013

Avocets still rising

Avocets still rising

Sixty two Avocet on the reserve today. A couple of Dunlin dropped in early doors, 70+ Ruff mostly males, now engaging in a spot of jousting along the bank edges of the Mere. Other waders included 60+ Oystercatcher, 2+ Ringed Plover, 10+ Black-tailed Godwi

17 March 2013

Hen Harrier again

Hen Harrier again

The cracking male Hen Harrier was again hunting over the fields in the afternoon, before being escorted off the reserve by irate Lapwings. Other raptors included juv Peregrine, Sparrowhawk, sev Common Buzzard and Kestrel. At least 2 Barn Owl were seen, on

16 March 2013

Bird News

Bird News

A damp start to the day which ended in a spot of spring sunshine. No Sand Martin or Chiffchaff yet.. Lots of breeding activity with 52 Avocet mostly paired up. Mating Ringed Plover on the shingle islands from the Ron Barker Hide. At least 60 Ruff some col

15 March 2013

Warm in the sun..

Warm in the sun..

Warm in the sun, cool in the hides. Plenty of spring-like action with Ringed Plover, Lapwing and Skylark all display flying this morning. Two Med Gull, a breeding plumage adult and a 2nd winter bird associating with Black-headed Gulls. Also present a few

13 March 2013