Latest sightings



Some obvious migrant waders dropping in today with 16 Ringed Plover on the Mere around midday. A few Dunlin present with these birds and 2 Common Sandpiper. Previously a flock of 13 Dunlin zipped through the reserve, perhaps landing on Sunley's Marsh. Thr

9 May 2015

Little Gull

Little Gull

Wet and wild condition today. A immature Little Gull was present on the Mere early on. A Yellow Wagtail flew south over the Mere mid morning. Eleven Whimbrel from the Ron Barker Hide late afternoon. Just up the road towards Burscough a pair of Grey Partri

6 May 2015



As we go into May there is a real sense of excitement as migration is in full flow. Today looked interesting with fronts moving through and occasional rain showers. While cloud cover was present the visibility was some of the best we've had on the reserve

5 May 2015



The first Cuckoo of the year heard and seen near the Kingfisher Hide early afternoon. This sighting was two weeks earlier than last year although the mean early date in Lancashire is the 16th April. More Whimbrel with a flock of 14. Three Little Ringed Pl

4 May 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A damp start with south easterlies half promised a Black Tern or two but they didn't materialise. Some new birds were seen including a smart male Yellow Wagtail briefly on the Mere mid afternoon. Still a few Wheatear on the outer edge of the reserve. Med

3 May 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Raw easterlies and occasional rain made the beginning of May seem more like March. A flock of 14 Whimbrel didn't hang around and headed North off the reserve early afternoon. Breeding plumage Ruff are present along with a fair number of siting Avocet. Bot

2 May 2015



A Whimbrel was on the Mere for a while this morning, also at least 16+ Dunlin on site today, 6 Little Ringed Plover, several Black-tailed Godwit and 8 Ruff (2 male + 6 fem) At least 1 Med Gull on the Mere. 3 Wheatear out in ploughed fields on the edge of

30 April 2015

Arctic Tern

Arctic Tern

An Arctic Tern flew South West early on viewed from the Reedbed Walk, probably thinking twice about heading North into the arctic air mass which made it's presence felt today. A first summer Little Gull was on the Mere with Black-headed Gull briefly (seve

28 April 2015



A very frosty start to the day but blues skies until the afternoon. Whinchat on the outer edge of the reserve in newly ploughed fields parallel to the railway line was new for the year. Also there 6 Wheatear. Three reeling Grasshopper Warbler on the reser

27 April 2015

Whimbrel and Yellow Wagtail

Whimbrel and Yellow Wagtail

First up date for a while. Ive been off for a few days apparently some difficulties accessing the website. No new birds on the reserve until today with the arrival and departure of Whimbrel and 2 Yellow Wagtail  this morning, both species briefly from th

26 April 2015

Spotted Crake

Spotted Crake

Late afternoon a Spotted Crake was flushed from undergrowth next to the pool right of the Ron Barker Hide. Spotted Crake are passage migrants/summer visitors to the UK and have been recorded at Martin Mere regularly in the past few years. They are however

20 April 2015



A cool and overcast start to the day. Greenshank on Woodend Marsh early on was new for the year. Common Sandpiper still present there. Also 54 Avocet, 26 Ruff, 40+ Black-tailed Godwit, 10+ Redshank, 2 Ringed Plover, Lapwings and a few Oystercatcher. Rapto

19 April 2015

Little Ringed Plover

Little Ringed Plover

Both Little Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper were on the Mere in the morning. Around 25+ Black Tailed Godwit At least 5+ Sedge Warbler and 1 Reed Warbler along the Reedbed Walk, plus Chiffchaff's and Blackcap's around the reserve. The Tawny Owl was agai

18 April 2015



A big influx of warblers today as we add Sedge, Reed and Grasshopper Warbler to the reserve's year list. Noticeably greater numbers of Willow Warbler and Blackcap around today. More Wheatear again this morning opposite the reserve.  At this time of year

16 April 2015

Waders arriving

Waders arriving

Warmest day off the year.... but not here as the day started with some murky misty rain. This of course is just the right conditions for bringing some birds down onto the reserve that may have just passed over. As a result it was very much a wader orienta

15 April 2015