Latest sightings

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Been off the web for a few days but plenty of activity since the weekend although no major rarities on the reserve post ex Hurricane Gonzalo, or if there is they haven't been found yet... It still appears that big numbers of Pink-footed Geese are coming i

23 October 2014



Good numbers of Cormorants on the Mere this afternoon with at least 45 counted, still at least 3-4 Marsh Harrier inc the green wing tagged bird from Norfolk which has now lost one of it's tags and adult Peregrine seen again. The Kingfisher was again from

19 October 2014

Recent sightings

Recent sightings

Still at least 4-5 Marsh Harriers hunting around the reserve, with the usual pair of Peregrine being seen, good numbers of Common Buzzard up to 10 birds, 2-3 Sparrowhawk and 2-3 Kestrel. No further sightings of the Hen Harrier sp.

18 October 2014



Despite lots of scanning today no further sign on site of the interesting Hen Harrier from yesterday, it was probably seen this morning at Marshside, normally Harriers wander the extensive local areas, between Marshside, the Ribble and the Martin Mere are

16 October 2014

A first for Lancashire?

A first for Lancashire?

Another excellent day with attention being grabbed by a fem/imm Hen Harrier that was seen by a few people and was photographed, the photo's look very promising for the North American race often known as Northern Harrier which is sometimes regarded as a fu

15 October 2014

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Another packed Pink-foot day with 15-20000 on the reserve early afternoon. Recent counts included 150 Whooper Swan, 1070 Teal, 880 Mallard, 350 Wigeon, 96 Pintail, 15 Gadwall, 10 Tufted and 10 Pochard. More raptors with 5 Marsh Harrier including two tagge

14 October 2014

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Another fine day of swirling flocks and visitors buzzing with exciting as thousands of Pink-footed Geese descend onto the reserve. Similar wader counts as yesterday. Raptors included 14 Common Buzzard, 3 Marsh Harrier, 2 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk. Tawny O

12 October 2014

More Whoopers

More Whoopers

Calm conditions and a shower free day and the sky was filled with geese and lapwings for most of the day. Small groups of Whooper Swan flying in bringing the total to 116 including this family of 2 adults and 4 juveniles. Impressive numbers of geese from

11 October 2014

Five Marsh Harrier

Five Marsh Harrier

Some excellent viewing of up to 5 Marsh Harrier today particularly but not exclusively from the United Utilities Hide. At least 10 Common Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk. Two Greenshank dropped in and flew out mid-morning viewed from the Ron Barker H

10 October 2014

New arrivals

New arrivals

The first small group of adult Shelduck arrived this morning with 6 birds joining the few juvenile birds still on the reserve. the numbers of Common Shelduck can exceed 1000 during the winter period. New in a dapper Common Shelduck At least 800 Lapwing,

9 October 2014

33,000 Pink-footed Geese

33,000 Pink-footed Geese

Pink-footed Geese have dropped back a little from last weeks record numbers, although at 33,000 it is still one of the largest counts recorded on the reserve. ~ 116 Pink-footed Geese... More Whooper Swans arriving with 45 seen today. Other wildfowl count

8 October 2014

The Whooper Swan influx starts here.

The Whooper Swan influx starts here.

There is something quite special seeing the first groups of Whooper Swan arriving at Martin Mere. As the season progresses it becomes more difficult to point to a group of swans flying in and say these birds have just come in from Iceland (via Scotland).

7 October 2014

Barn Owl and other birds

Barn Owl and other birds

A wet start to the day probably resulted in a Barn Owl being out later than usual viewed from the Harrier Hide. No shortage of birds of prey with 10+ Common Buzzard, 4+ Marsh Harrier, 2 Kestrel, 2 Sparrowhawk and Peregrine. Two Raven present yesterday. Th

6 October 2014

Bird News

Bird News

Still jam packed with Pink-footed Geese although no counts. No additional Whooper Swans currently just 4 on the reserve, two new arrivals from yesterday and the two that over summered. Raptor reports included 3 Marsh Harrier, 15 Common Buzzards (from yest

3 October 2014

First Whoopers

First Whoopers

First frost and the first confirmed Whooper Swans (a pair) of the autumn join the tens of thousands of Pink-footed Geese currently on the reserve. Pretty sure new geese were arriving this afternoon although some geese will be moving on to North Norfolk.

2 October 2014