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Latest sightings

White-rumped Sandpiper, South Lake

White-rumped Sandpiper, South Lake

What is likey to be the first ever winter record of a White-rumped Sandpiper in the UK!

14 February 2023

Departures/preparations for departure?

Departures/preparations for departure?

It looks like the first departures of wintering birds has begun.

12 February 2023

Barn Owl at the South Finger

Barn Owl at the South Finger

Barn Owl out and about near the hides

7 February 2023

Kingfisher sightings

Kingfisher sightings

Two prolonged cold spells this winter certainly led to a high percentage of frozen water bodies, such periods can be difficult for some wetlands species such as waders, Cetti's Warbler and Kingfisher. We have increased Kingfisher habitat on the reserve wh

6 February 2023

'White-front' numbers have crept up

'White-front' numbers have crept up

At least 161 Russian White-fronted Geese were on site this morning, we seem to be recruiting a few here and there at the 'tail-end' of the winter. A cold, crisp morning saw them being typically mobile about the fields and estuary, arriving from fields to

5 February 2023

World Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day

Today is World Wetlands Day, and what better way to celebrate than enjoying our amazing winter wildlife

2 February 2023

Last day of January 2023

Last day of January 2023

We say goodbye to January

31 January 2023

New Spoonbill

New Spoonbill

The second Spoonbill of the year arrived in the area yesterday (one reported in flight just to the North at Splatt Bridge), it may have spent yesterday feeding on the Severn. This bird appears to be in adult or near adult plumage, it was roosting on the T

30 January 2023

Thawed out

Thawed out

Many birds are returning to the shallow floods following the latest 'freeze-up'.

29 January 2023

January 2023 Wetland Birds Survey (WeBS) and other observations

January 2023 Wetland Birds Survey (WeBS) and other observations

WeBS count and more

23 January 2023

Monday 16 January update, 100 species for 2023 so far

Monday 16 January update, 100 species for 2023 so far

The wet and windy weather has come to end, for now at least.

16 January 2023

Wild Winter Weekend begins

Wild Winter Weekend begins

Join us this weekend to celebrate the amazing wildlife spectacle that is Slimbridge Wetland Centre in winter!

14 January 2023

A break in the weather

A break in the weather

We've had a run of wet and windy days recently, but today is a welcome break with the reserve bathed in winter sunshine, even if it is still a little breezy out there

13 January 2023

Goshawk again

Goshawk again

A Goshawk was sighted at the South Finger yesterday and seen heading North over the Estuary tower today

9 January 2023

Additions to the 2023 year list

Additions to the 2023 year list

A week into the New Year and a few more species have been sighted on the reserve

8 January 2023