Latest sightings
Good time to catch up with the Oystercatcher families
Oystercatcher pairs with chicks in the Rushy, Big Pen and South Lake currently.
31 May 2021
A few more Great White and Little Egrets
The egret numbers have increased
30 May 2021
End of the week roundup
A mixture of sunny spells and showers have rounded off the week on the reserve
28 May 2021
Spotted Flycatchers
At least two Spotted Flycatchers present today.
24 May 2021
Head for the South Lake
With the wind and the rain many birds are taking shelter, with some of the day's highlights on the South Lake
21 May 2021
The girls are back
The herd of Longhorn Cattle have returned to the reserve, with new calves in tow
20 May 2021
Hides re-open
Click on the link to our Twitter page to catch up with the latest sightings over the last two days
18 May 2021
Mobile Glossy Ibis
Our first Glossy Ibis of the year just wouldn't stay still for long
16 May 2021
118+ Avocet
AvocetsA wet grey day but activity everywhere from the Avocets. Rushy 30 adults and a newly hatched brood. Estuary Tower lots of activity on the Dumbles Scrape 12 here but all engaged in displaying, nest scraping and mating. Top New Piece had 37 adults in
15 May 2021
End of the week roundup
A summary of highlights from the last few days
14 May 2021
Busy at Middle Point
Once again lots of great birds in the Middle Point area today
11 May 2021
Anyone snow where these geese originated from?
Six Lesser Snow Geese appeared in the entrance road fields this morning.
10 May 2021
Curlew Sandpiper
The small wader flock that was feeding on the Severn off Middle Point held a stunning breeding plumage Curlew Sandpiper
9 May 2021
Centre reopens tomorrow
Unfortunately we received news late on Wednesday afternoon that the roadworks in Slimbridge village were leading to a full closure, thus leading to the Centre being closed today
6 May 2021
Follow the Spoonbill
An immature Spoonbill arrived on the reserve yesterday, and roosted overnight on the Rushy
5 May 2021