Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Sun 8 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Latest sightings

On the reserve.

On the reserve.

The ringing demonstration produced a nice catch of recently fledged birds including numbers of Tree Sparrow, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Greenfinch and a single Great-spotted Woodpecker. No further sign of the White-spotted Bluethroat despite plenty of people l

26 June 2013

Bird Counts

Bird Counts

An improvement on the weather from the weekend with the wind dropping. Although there has been no further sightings of the Bluethroat we shall be looking for it over the next few days. Some counts included 39 Teal, 5+ Shoveler, 7 Wigeon, 15 Tufted, 15 Gad

24 June 2013

Bird News

Bird News

Difficult day for those coming in to see the Bluethroat with windy and occasionally squally condition out on the reserve, no shelter too! In the past few days the bird has showed best in calm and sunny weather and we would be surprised if the bird is no l

22 June 2013

Bluethroat still present

Bluethroat still present

The Bluethroat is still present this morning, please follow on site directions. Some much better images of the bird were taken yesterday, the bird remains elusive but does sit up on the brush piles sometimes. This is the 13th county record of Bluethroat

21 June 2013



male White spotted Bluethroat singing (T. Disley) The Bluethroat was seen on and off throughout the day, being first seen around 09.45 when it began to show occasionally upto c12.00, it became much harder to see after

20 June 2013

White-spotted Bluethroat still present

White-spotted Bluethroat still present

A brief update: White-spotted Bluethroat still present 10am.

20 June 2013

White-spotted Bluethroat

White-spotted Bluethroat

Breaking news:  A singing male White-spotted Bluethroat was found way out on the reserve. Initial heard by reserve head warden Chris Tomlinson after dark yesterday evening. There was some conjecture regarding the calling bird but this evening (9.20pm) th

19 June 2013

Bird News

Bird News

Two Green Sandpiper this afternoon in front of the Swan Link Hide. Two Grasshopper Warbler reeling early morning and late last night from the Reed Bed Walk. Cuckoo calling from the poplars along the fence there too. A young Tawny Owl seen near the Kingfis

19 June 2013

Summer Time

Summer Time

A very pleasant day on the reserve, feeling like summer! A Grey Wagtail briefly on the Nature Trail near the in focus shop seemed out of place. A similar selection of late with Cuckoo(s) still calling at the back of the Waterfowl Gardens/Reed Bed Walk. Gr

18 June 2013

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Cuckoo still present, calling inside the grounds between the Canoe Safari and the Third Phase. Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs calling there too. Green Sandpiper, mostly from the Hale Hide. At least 30 Avocet present, other waders included Black-tailed Godwit,

16 June 2013

Spotted Redshank new for the Year

Spotted Redshank new for the Year

A Spotted Redshank heard calling flew in 10:40 and was relocated on Sunley's Marsh around 12:00. A breeding plumage bird, very nice! Early on, in light drizzle, 10 presumed tundra race Ringed Plover flew over the Mere. The Green Sandpiper and Ruff are sti

12 June 2013

New for the reserve.

New for the reserve.

Thirty species in the moth trap this morning including Eupoecilia angustana which is the first record for the reserve. Other note worthy species included 6 Elephant Hawkmoth, 10 Grass Rivulet (a Martin Mere specialty), Pale Tussock, Spruce Carpet, Least

12 June 2013

Cuckoo Again

Cuckoo Again

Cuckoo calling along the Nature Trail today, always good to hear. Common Whitethroats singing there too. A small influx of Black-tailed Godwit with 55 birds. Other waders included the breeding Avocets (a few young present), Lapwings, Oystercatchers, Redsh

11 June 2013

Green Sandpiper

Green Sandpiper

Another pleasant day with the reserve looking very lush. Plenty of activity with many birds fledgling young. A male Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen with a juvenile near the Janet Kear Hide. A few young Pied Wagtail were around the Mere. The Green Sandpi

10 June 2013

Green Sandpiper

Green Sandpiper

The Green Sandpiper was showing well from Hale hide for most of the day, also a single Black tailed Godwit on the Mere most of the afternoon. Other waders include a Ruff from Ron Barker and the autumns Lapwing flock has started gathering with upto 35 bird

9 June 2013