Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Sun 8 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Latest sightings

Cetti's Warbler

Cetti's Warbler

A fair amount of passage birds today even though the rain didn't happen. Bird of the day goes to Cetti's Warbler heard only along a reedy ditch opposite the Common Crane Pen inside the grounds. This would be the second ever record for the reserve followin

8 May 2013

Looking good...

Looking good...

It's looking good for tomorrow with a strengthening south easterly and rain in the forecast. A classic bird to turn up in this weather would be Black Tern, however any birds migrating North may find themselves dropping in during rain. I was going to say w

7 May 2013

Wood Sandpiper

Wood Sandpiper

A Wood Sandpiper, new for the year, was found mid morning and still present late afternoon on Woodend Marsh viewable from the Untied Utilities Hide. Also there two Curlew Sandpiper, 14 Dunlin, 7 Ringed Plover and Greenshank early on. More waders around th

6 May 2013

Blue-headed Wagtail

Blue-headed Wagtail

Blue-headed Wagtail from the United Utilities Hide on Woodend Marsh, a single Yellow Wagtail, 5 Wheatear, 7 White Wagtails and 10 Dunlin. Three Little Ringed Plover from the Harrier Hide. Raven mid afternoon. At least 57 Avocet on the reserve. Raptors inc

5 May 2013

Waders dropping in.

Waders dropping in.

Some waders on the move today with 10 Dunlin, 6 Ringed Plover joining yesterday's 2 Curlew Sandpiper, viewable from the United Utilities Hide. Garden Warbler inside Waterfowl Gardens between Gladstone and Janet Kear Hides. Marsh Harrier, 2nd calender male

4 May 2013

Early Bird Walk

Early Bird Walk

A 5.30am start till the big breakfast at 9am. Thankfully no rain and the sun peaked out briefly. We recorded 50 species of bird including singing Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Blackcap, Whitethroat, Reed and Sedge Warbler with the star bird being a reeling

4 May 2013

Garganey new for the year

Garganey new for the year

A drake Garganey present this afternoon from the Harrier Hide is new for the year. The bird was found this morning on the Canoe Safari before flying onto Pat's Reed Bed. It is actually the same date as the first one that turned up in 2012. A few Whimbrel

1 May 2013

Grasshopper Warbler

Grasshopper Warbler

Plenty of action down the Reed Bed Walk this morning with Grasshopper Warbler (new for the year) reeling near the entrance gate to the walk. At least 3 Corn Bunting on the hedgerow next to the path near the viewing platforms. Further along, past the Sewag

30 April 2013

Curlew Sandpipers

Curlew Sandpipers

Another windy day making viewing more difficult but much warmer in the sun. Tomorrow looks excellent with the wind dropping back. Two Curlew Sandpiper still present on Woodend Marsh from the United Utilities Hide. Also from there 4 Dunlin, 4 Ringed Plover

29 April 2013

Feeling like spring?

Feeling like spring?

Feeling like spring? Not today with temperature barely reaching double figures and misty rain in a strong westerly making viewing difficult. Still 2 Curlew Sandpiper out on Woodend Marsh viewable from the United Utilities Hide. Other waders include 40+ Av

28 April 2013

New Curlew Sandpipers

New Curlew Sandpipers

Two new Curlew Sandpipers in today, moulting into summer plumage. Also 4 Whimbrel, 20 Curlew, 50 Black-tailed Godwit, 54 Avocet, 2 Common Sandpiper, Dunlin, 10+ Redshank. Male Whinchat new in(?) out on Woodend Marsh, 7 (6 males, 1 female) Yellow Wagtail,

27 April 2013

More new species!

More new species!

It's rocking at the moment with new birds continuing to turn up on a daily basis. Today 2 Curlew Sandpiper were present with Dunlin and Black-tailed Godwit on Vinson's Marsh viewed from the Ron Barker Hide. One full breeding plumage, one moulting through.

26 April 2013

First Common Swift of the year

First Common Swift of the year

A rain front moving through always provides good conditions for dropping migrants in at this time of year. First Common Swift of the heading south over the reserve in front of the rain which arrived around midday. Highest count of the year for Dunlin with

25 April 2013

Watervoles seen on guided boat tours

Watervoles seen on guided boat tours

Watervoles have been seen each day whilst visitors have been out on the guided boat tours. The watervoles are located around the two large ponds and there are clear signs that they have started to establish themselves in this area with visible holes in ba

25 April 2013

New for the Year

New for the Year

The year list is ticking (pun intended) along nicely at the moment with the addition of Jay, seen next to the in focus shop feeders. A very unusual sighting there, although birds are recorded annually in autumn flying over the reserve. Still a 'wagtail fe

24 April 2013