Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Sun 8 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Latest sightings

Snow covered but good birding.

Snow covered but good birding.

A light snow covering but the roads to the reserve and paths along the Nature Trail are fine. A good selection of sightings today. The drake Green-winged Teal present in front of the Harrier Hide. At least 700 Whooper Swan throughout the day with more pre

19 January 2013

Common Crane apparently..

Common Crane apparently..

Although as far as I know nobody reported the sighting to anybody on the reserve, but via twitter and after that assorted rare bird news services, a Common Crane was reported on the reserve around 2pm. We did have a confirmed sighting on the 7th January s

16 January 2013



Sub zero over night so a marvelously frosty winter spectacle this morning and the forecast looks good for the next 7 days. The colder condition tend to bring a few more Whooper Swan onto the reserve with at least 1000 birds present thou no official counts

15 January 2013

First Snowdrop

First Snowdrop

I'm not going to tempt fate by saying spring is just round the corner as soon as the first Snowdrop is in flower (near the toilet block) along the Nature Trail... New for this year Nuthatch on feeders near the Beaver Enclosure. Also new, adult winter plum

14 January 2013

Spoonbill fly over

Spoonbill fly over

A Spoonbill flew over the reserve ~ 1pm. There has been a bird being regularly seen on the Ribble Estuary and we would assume that this was the same bird. Green-winged Teal is present with Eurasian Teal in Langley's Brook from the Ron Barker Hide. Immatur

13 January 2013

Green-winged Teal Again

Green-winged Teal Again

Green-winged Teal again throughout the day on Vinson's Marsh from the Ron Barker Hide with 1000+ Teal in the surrounding area. Great to hear the males whistling in their displays to females. A few Tufted Duck and Gadwall present in the deeper water from t

11 January 2013

Greenland White-fronted Goose

Greenland White-fronted Goose

A big influx of Pink-footed Geese on the reserve mid morning with around 6000 birds. In among them a single adult Greenland White-fronted Goose. Sometimes not easy to separate from European, which have also been present, but in general adult Greenlands ar

10 January 2013

European Whitefront.

European Whitefront.

European White-fronted Goose with Pink-footed Geese late morning on Plover Field viewed from the United Utilities Hide. Green-winged Teal mid afternoon from the Ron Barker Hide. Raptors included the first Marsh Harrier of the year, an immature bird, 4 Com

9 January 2013

Record Year List Review of 2012

Record Year List Review of 2012

2012 turned out to be a record year at WWT Martin Mere with 170 species of wild bird recorded. It’s interesting to reflect why this was so. There are certainly a number of factors. The reserve management, for example Cetti’s Warbler which was the only

9 January 2013

Bird News

Bird News

A murky rain filled day didn't help the birders who turned up today. No sign of yesterday's Common Crane although it's quite possible the bird is in the local vicinity. A few reports included 20 Common Snipe, 2 Oystercatcher, 50+ Ruff, Dunlin and 600+ Lap

8 January 2013

Common Crane

Common Crane

A Common Crane was found 1:40pm from the Harrier Hide out towards Woodend Marsh when it flew a short distance and dropped out of sight. Woodend Marsh can be viewed from the United Utilities Hide too. Green-winged Teal on Vinson's Marsh 2pm at least. Two G

7 January 2013

Green-winged Teal and other birds.

Green-winged Teal and other birds.

Green-winged Teal on Vinson's Marsh from the Ron Barker Hide late afternoon. Woodcock showing well early on from the Janet Kear Hide. Other waders so far included 600+ Lapwing, 50+ Ruff, 2 Black-tailed Godwit and Oystercatcher. Yesterday's merganser was r

6 January 2013

Red-breasted Merganser

Red-breasted Merganser

A female Red-breasted Merganser was reported late morning along Boat House Sluice. If you have a photograph of this bird we would love to see it. If confirmed it would be only the third record for the reserve. The more common and very similar (female) Goo

5 January 2013

Bewick's Swans

Bewick's Swans

3 Bewick's Swans were seen just off site today, they flew over Curlew Lane heading towards Martin Mere, also nearby 3 Waxwings were in Burscough Bridge in bushes by Firwoods Timber yard. On site 2 Barn Owls were seen hunting over the reserve in the mornin

31 December 2012

Barn Owls

Barn Owls

Two Barn Owls were out hunting during the early afternoon seen from Ron Barker Hide, other sightings include upto 20,000 Woodpigeon, there are upto 50,000 in the area!! The usual family group of 3 Peregrine were present this morning, also 2 Common Buzzard

29 December 2012