Latest sightings

Dotterels nearby !

Dotterels nearby !

Off the reserve, 3 Dotterels were in fields stubble fields along the public footpath from Fish Lane over Tarlscough Moss between the adandoned building and Mere Lane this afternoon. A very bright but cold today, with an adult Little Gull, seen on both The

27 April 2016

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Chilly again but good visibility with cloud cover. A good selection of species to be seen at present with more new arrival. A drake Garganey joined the 70+ Teal that are still present on the reserve. The bird was still present on Vinson's Marsh late morni

26 April 2016

Swift and other birds

Swift and other birds

Starting off with some late news from Saturday with the first sighting of Swift over the Reed Bed. We did have another today and although these cold Northerlies can't be great for these birds, they are such strong flyers they'll probably just go South unt

25 April 2016

Yellow Wagtail and Rook!

Yellow Wagtail and Rook!

Overcast with the occasional light shower only the cool Northerlies taking the edge off classic conditions for dropping some waders in. On saying that 5 Common Sandpiper were obviously new arrivals as well as Dunlin and a couple of Ringed Plover. More Ruf

24 April 2016

Redstart new for the year.

Redstart new for the year.

A chilly winds from the North and clear skies aren't the best for producing birds coming to summer in the UK but we are in the heart of this migration so the arrival of a couple of new species for the year shouldn't be so surprising. Bird of the day was a

23 April 2016

Bird News

Bird News

Another great day's birding, and with great weather to match !! Around the Reedbed Walk a Lesser Whitethroat was today's star bird, although several Reed and Sedge Warblers are singing fairly continuously, along with Common Whitethroats. On the Mere, 2 Li

21 April 2016

Whitethroat and Reed Warbler

Whitethroat and Reed Warbler

Another fine day! No complaints about the visibility honestly.. Two new warbler species for the year with the arrival of Whitethroat and Reed Warbler both along the Reed Bed Walk. Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Blackcap all present and singing along the hedg

20 April 2016

Whimbrel new for the year

Whimbrel new for the year

Glorious spring day with lighter winds and full sunshine. Hot on the heels of the first local Whimbrel seen north of the reserve yesterday, 2 birds were found on Sunley's Marsh mid-morning. Peak time for the Whimbrel passage in Lancashire tends to be in t

19 April 2016

Little Gull

Little Gull

A strong North Westerly for most of the day making it feel cold. Any promised showers failed to materialise so no obvious new waders in today. A moulting adult Little Gull was found late afternoon with Black-headed Gulls from the Ron Barker Hide. Common G

18 April 2016

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A frosty calm and sunny start to the day before the chilled wind got up! Not a huge number of reports today, no new species for the year but tomorrows forecast looks interesting and may bring a few waders in so watch this space! Cetti's Warbler showed wel

17 April 2016

Little Gull

Little Gull

Chilly but fine in the sun. The blast of arctic air may be putting off the arrival of Reed Warblers and Whitethroats but a mostly winter plumage adult Little Gull was new for the year out on Woodend Marsh this morning. Also new in a cracking full adult ma

16 April 2016

Grasshopper Warbler

Grasshopper Warbler

New for the year a reeling Grasshopper Warbler towards the end of the Reed Bed Walk. A few pair probably breed on the reserve but once they stop reeling it can be a difficult species to locate. More warbler news with the first sighting of Cetti's Warbler

15 April 2016

Sedge Warbler

Sedge Warbler

Glorious day after the early frost and mist disappeared. The first Sedge Warbler was in song on the Reed Bed Walk. Not the earliest we've had here in recent years or the latest. Plenty of Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler and Blackcap in song around the reserve.

13 April 2016



Overnight rain and some murky conditions boded well for some new arrivals and we were not disappointed! The first House Martins appeared with numbers of Sand Martin (100+) and a few Swallow. On the wader front both Green and Common Sandpiper were new in.

12 April 2016

Siberian Chiffchaff

Siberian Chiffchaff

A Siberian Chiffchaff was singing and calling this morning along the hedgerow opposite the Sewage Works at the end of the Reed Bed Walk. Access from the coach car park and follow the perimeter fence. The first part of the trail is muddy and it's worth not

11 April 2016