Latest sightings

Latest Sighting

Latest Sighting

Another fine with plenty of activity. Two Hobby hunting together mid afternoon from the Ron Barker Hide. The usual raptors with Marsh Harrier, 8 Common Buzzard, 3 Kestrel and Sparrowhawk. Waders included 200+ Lapwing, 15+ Ruff inc 3+ juvs, 20+ Black-taile

11 August 2015

Six species of raptor

Six species of raptor

Click on map to enlarge Blustery showers early on followed by breezy sunshine. A quality raptor day with 6 species recorded. One or possibly 2 Hobbies seen today the first mid morning flew south over the reserve follo

10 August 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Another very pleasant day out and around the reserve. Raptors were making the most of it with Hobby mid morning, 2 Marsh Harrier including a new juvenile, 4 Kestrel, 2 Sparrowhawk, 4+ Common Buzzard and from yesterday Peregrine. A few waders tucked around

8 August 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A proper summers start to the day, light winds and full sun. Not a huge number of sightings to report although it is relatively easy to see 60+ species on the reserve at the moment. Cuckoo and Kingfisher are the main attractions viewed from the Ron Barker

7 August 2015



A murky wet start to the day clearing mid morning ending the afternoon in sunshine. A Greenshank was new in. Two adult breeding plumage Dunlin joined the waders wihich included 22 Ruff, 12 Black-tailed Godwit, Little Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, 2 Avo

6 August 2015

Garden Warbler

Garden Warbler

More signs of migration with a Garden Warbler feeding around the Janet Kear Hide area. Garden Warbler are surprisingly scarce on the reserve and this bird is the first record this year, bringing the year list onto 144. An excellent raptor day again with H

5 August 2015

Waders and Raptors

Waders and Raptors

With the July 'doldrums' behind us we can look forward to the migration season developing ahead. At WWT Martin Mere that will be obvious on the wader front as adult and juvenile birds leave arctic breeding grounds to move south.

3 August 2015

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

We now have 2 Cuckoo's (adult & juv) on view from Ron Barker Hide though both can go missing for lengthy periods, best looked for in the bushes along the left hand side of Vinson's (the left hand of the two pools straight out). Still up to 10 Little R

31 July 2015

Wood Sandpiper

Wood Sandpiper

No reports today of the Bittern despite being looked for, hopefully will be seen again soon. The Wood Sandpiper is still on Wood End Marsh viewable from UU Hide, also an adult Dunlin there this evening. Little Ringed Plovers have increased to 11 and at le

27 July 2015



A fantastic day on site despite near continuous rain, the star bird being a showy Bittern found mid to late morning and showed on and off through the day until late afternoon. Bittern showing among the lilly's from Ron Bar

26 July 2015

Wood Sand

Wood Sand

A Wood Sandpiper was on view from UU hide this morning and afternoon though elusive and out of view for some time. Also 3 Common Sandpiper on site along with 5 Little Ringed Plover and the usual Ruff and Black-tailed Godwit. At least 1 Peregrine was aroun

25 July 2015

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Some late breeders or a second brood of Avocet chicks has appeared on Woodend Marsh viewed from UU hide, also up to 3 Common Sandpiper around at the moment but the Godwit numbers have dropped in recent days with just 7 being seen today.

22 July 2015



At least 1 probably 2 Kingfishers have been showing well from Ron Barker hide today other sightings from here included 2 Dunlin and a Ringed Plover. Good numbers of Ruff on site today with unto 23 birds mainly on the Mere with c100 Black-tailed Godwit and

18 July 2015

Bird News

Bird News

An adult Mediterranean Gull has been seen on the Mere on a number of occasions in the last couple of days. Increasing numbers of Lapwings (300+ today), Black-tailed Godwits (100+), and Starlings (600+) are giving the Mere an increasingly Autumnal feel, (p

17 July 2015



More new birds in with 4 Dunlin (3 adult and the seasons first juvenile), 230 Black-tailed Godwit, 4+ Little Ringed Plover, 2 Ringed Plover, 300+ Lapwing, 6+ Oystercatcher, 2 Avocet and 12 Ruff. The birds roam around when flushed by raptors but most activ

15 July 2015