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Latest sightings

A new Crane nest

A new Crane nest

Monty & Evie have a new egg on the Dumbles scrape, viewed from the Estuary Tower, and become our sixth nesting pair of Cranes this season

19 May 2022

Our growing Crane families

Our growing Crane families

After Kia & Chocolo successfully hatched two chicks on the Rushy in the last few days, we now have six Crane chicks across the reserve

17 May 2022

Two Temminck's Stints

Two Temminck's Stints

Single Temminck's Stints were seen in the Rushy feeding on the top pond island, and on the Top New Piece islands today.

16 May 2022

Osprey and Little Terns

Osprey and Little Terns

Highlights today included a fly-through Osprey on it's way North and two Little Terns feeding and resting on the Severn. The Osprey flew across the Top New Piece and Dumbles and continued across the Severn with flocks of gulls, Avocets, Shelducks and Curl

15 May 2022

First Avocet chicks hatch

First Avocet chicks hatch

The first brood of Avocet have hatched on the Dumbles scrape, with four tiny chicks on the shoreline with their parents this morning

12 May 2022

Second brood of Oystercatchers

Second brood of Oystercatchers

The second pair of Oystercatcher have now hatched on the South Lake, both pairs have successfully led their young to the causeways after leaping from hide rooftop nest sites!

11 May 2022

Little Gull still visiting

Little Gull still visiting

The long staying second calendar year Little Gull continues to appear on site, it's been seen intermittently on the estuary, South Lake and Rushy.

10 May 2022

Green-winged Teal

Green-winged Teal

A drake Green-winged Teal was newly arrived today. Image by Paul Masters via Twitter @PaulDMasters

9 May 2022

Crane chicks' first adventure

Crane chicks' first adventure

Our parent Cranes, Oakie & Sherbert, have moved their newly hatched chicks off the nesting island for their first adventure on the Top New Piece

6 May 2022

Our Crane chicks have hatched

Our Crane chicks have hatched

Great news today that Cranes Oakie & Sherbert have hatched two chicks on the Top New Piece - and now the real work begins!

5 May 2022

Grey Plover with other waders on estuary

Grey Plover with other waders on estuary

A quiet estuary this morning, but a breeding plumage Grey Plover is always nice to see

4 May 2022

Kingfishers hatch young at the South Finger

Kingfishers hatch young at the South Finger

Kingfishers have hatched young

3 May 2022

Another magic May day

Another magic May day

A day of superb visible migration

2 May 2022

First of May

First of May

The first of May is often a good day for Spring migrants, the reserve hosted a good variety of birds through the day.

1 May 2022

Spotted Redshank remains

Spotted Redshank remains

The Spotted Redshank continues its stay on the reserve, and gradually moulting through to breeding plumage

29 April 2022